Discussion: House Freedom Caucus Attempts To Force Vote To Impeach IRS Head

If the Republicans are so convinced that taxes are evil, why don’t they just pass a vote to do away with them altogether?


I’d like to see how turning tax collection to the states works for them.


These people are not only desperate, they’re crazy. They’ll try anything to take unscrupulous pot-shots at anyone in the Obama administration. They really are abusing their role as legislators with this nonsense, but I won’t hold my breath waiting for the media to report on this for what it is…spiteful, politically-motivated retaliation. What a corrupt bunch of assholes…I can’t wait for their dirty laundry to come to light, one ugly teabagging asshole at a time.


I believe the question in the former was answered by the latter.


These guys are so good at completely fake scandals. But they miss the real ones


Have fun Paul. Be careful what you wish for.

Also, get better friends


What do they mean by “stonewall?” Clearly they were responded to sufficiently that they were able to reach some sort of conclusion. If what they mean by “stonewall” is that the IRS commissioner did not proffer responses adequate to enable them to impeach him, well, they should have thought of better questions. On the other hand, if they are using “stonewall” to mean that the commissioner LIED to them under oath, then they should just bring perjury charges and see if a jury will actually believe the fictional tale they spin in court. These political toddlers need to understand that only adults are allowed to actually run the government. Go throw a temper tantrum someplace else besides the halls of Congress.


Tim Huelskamp of Kansas

I have meet this azzwipe and it is a miracle that he can tie his shoes…so not surprised by this move.


Devolution of the GOP (January 20, 2009, through the foreseeable future):

"We will impeach the President … the Secretary of State … the IRS Commissioner … the Smithsonian Director … the National Weather Service … that really snooty valet over at Treasury … Bo’s poop scooper …


Say what you want about the ACA, but at least Dems do something when they have congressional power. Obamacare, comprehensive immigration in the Senate, they try and get things done for the people. Republicans seem to think the primary role of congressional power is to settle scores.


And the Party of “fiscal responsibility” finds another way to irresponsibly waste tax dollars.


They’re trying to impeach the Commissioner, in lieu of impeaching the entire department. And they probably won’t succeed at that either.

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they can also impeach RBG for telling the truth. pretty sure she won’t need a lawyer.


Nickels to donuts that somehow this ends up spinning back at Hillary.

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You know you’re dealing with extremists when “freedom” comes out “anarchy”.

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A nice practice Impeachment in preparation for Hillary.

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They just pretend to hate taxes. They love taxes, because taxation enables graft. They just hate expenditures that they can’t funnel to their friends (e.g., SS, Medicare/Medicaid, food stamps, etc.).


And we’re paying their salaries. House Freedom Caucus is a waste of taxpayer money.

Why are the Republicans not eliminating the IRS entirely? One government agency that would be great to get rid of.