Discussion: House Dems Voting To Approve Subpoenas Over Family Separation Policy

God what a headache, three agencies, no coordination, and three heads of said agencies willing to go-along to get-along because the Pres. might tweet nasty things about them.

And with missing children are they missing or is HHS just padding the numbers to get more money? For all the Republicans concerns about fetuses they sure don’t keep track of former fetuses.


but it’s still not clear whether the subpoenas will actually be served.

Nice try AP.


The worst of it is, they don’t even know how many children were taken. With parents deported, babies placed with no link to the person they were removed from, parents judged unfit without any due process, and agencies eager to place these children with good Christian (and I bet White) families, some of these separations are going to be permanent. I hope the House Dems nail those responsible to the wall. Some of them should be involuntarily separated from their children - by their removal to prison. At least they’d know where their kids are.

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Everyone associated with the kidnapping of children and the placement of them in concentration camps in this nation must pay for their crimes against America and Humanity.

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Is bureaucratic kidnapping still kidnapping?


It should be.