Discussion: House Dems Pass Major Step To End Gun Lobby's Grip On Washington

Amazing what can happen when the grownups are in charge…


and as an extra added bonus , whenever Wayne Lapierre or Dana Leech pop their heads up we can ask:
What about those Russian rubles from the oligarchs?
Mr. Meuller or SDNY talked to you yet?
Getting warm in here?


House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., who was gravely wounded in a 2017 shooting at a congressional baseball practice, said stricter background checks would not have prevented his shooting or other tragedies.

Some people never learn, not even after getting their ass shot.


I guess we need to start moving the overton window…

But this bill is going nowhere, and remember we don’t need “gun safety” or “gun control” we need disarmament, and the total ban of several type of firearms.


Meanwhile, back on the fried chicken ranch, the KY General Assembly is trying to ram through a law through allowing carry concealed without a permit. Oh boy!

We’ve got our hands full this year ridding ourselves of the horrible Governor and the uphill climb to rid ourselves of Rs in the state House and Senate. Not to mention how much the Gov has destroyed healthcare here.

I love my state, it’s pretty, great outdoor places and for the most part friendly people and an affordable place to live, but G-Damn I’m tired of fighting the good fight to save it from these fucking good ol’ boys and Charlemagne’s Army trying to drag us back to the Dark ages. It’s a constant battle. Sigh.


Shorter NRA: “The occasional mass shooting is the price we must pay for the 2A!”


How am I supposed to protect my family against crime and tyranny if I can’t sell any of my guns to a felon?


Sure, if you pass a law, there will be people who break it. Duh. The value of a law includes being able to prosecute and punish people who break it. In addition, many more will be discouraged from doing the prohibited thing for fear of being caught and suffering the penalties.

Rep Steve (“Shoot me again for Freedom!”) Scalise needs to be called out as both a flat-out liar and an elected representative who is too lazy to tell his staff to read the bill for him and tell him about it in simple words.


Cocaine…err bags of cash from the NRA is a helluva drug.


Talk about something that is going nowhere.

Rather than restrict a certain style of gun, we need to restrict the kinds of people who can get their hands on ANY gun.

When one side tries to decide what is acceptable for the opposing side, the overton window has been shattered.

OT, but is it just me or is TPM being glitchy again?

If they can’t handle the traffic on a relatively slow morning, what’s going to happen when Trump hits the fan?


If he hit the fan he will get sliced up and there will be blood everywhere.

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Can we please eliminate the signs on the podium. Yes I get the point but it makes every photograph look like some jackass meme image.

allowing a neighbor to take care of a gun while traveling

It’s not a plant, or a pet. It doesn’t need to be fed or watered while you’re visiting your in-laws.


One more piece (of shit) legislation to make the liberals feel good. What a great idea, make it harder on law abiding citizens to buy guns to protect themselves from your clients, while the criminals laugh at law and order. Sad.

House Dems Pass Major Step To End Gun Lobby’s Grip On Washington

Misleading headline. As far as I can tell, this bill does nothing to change the mechanisms by which the NRA exerts influence on Congress.

This bill – even if it were to become law – would do nothing to “end the gun lobby’s grip on Washington.” The NRA still has (1) buckets of money, and (2) a single-issue voter base that can be easily mobilized to oppose politicians who favor policies the NRA dislikes. Save this headline for a bill that proposes to change those things.


It’s like Kentucky’s government WANTS their voters to die


And that is exactly how they talk–in private.


Both bills face dim prospects in the Republican-controlled Senate and veto threats from President Donald Trump, who said they would impose unreasonable requirements on gun owners.

Uhhh, no, this would place reasonable requirements on people who want to become gun owners.