what about reps meadows and gym jordan ? can we get Lou Dobb and Hannity too? Oh now that would be interesting.
Exactly what I was typing.
Special interest should be given by the committee to taking testimony from Stephen Miller. His fingerprints are all over this mess…
Guess what kind of probe I wish Donnie would get?
Hannity is used to being on camera and will likely stay cool. However I can see Miller going apeshit as he has to answer adversarial questions. They just have to limit his long winded blabber,
Gosh! Where would we be without a functioning HOC?
Unfortunately, I don’t think the House has a select committee on Proctoscopy.
Hannity and the rest of the Fox News morons will be braying about sexist democrats laying perjury traps to SS Kirstjen.
Like many wise men and women have said, you can’t be trapped into perjury as long as you tell the truth. Do we think that Kirstjen is capable of speaking the truth?
Impossible under the circumstances.
That would be a start, but I was thinking more alien abduction type probe.
Particularly if they take him with…
No! Anything but the dread anal.
It’s McConnell!!!
He is allowing this to happen and every Repub in the Congress who will not stand up for America.
If they’re not braying about this, they’ll bray about something else. Fuck 'em.
I found the perfect pic.
Can’t post it unfortunately.
This response is way too milquetoast.
They need to be condemning this in the most emphatic terms, don’t you think. Trump doesn’t understand anything but Dominance and Submission (sounds like a song!!) so reasoned debate etc won’t really put the brakes on his rancid stupidity.
Welcome to your new job, Billy Barr!
That letter is such a thing of beauty. I especially love that they pointed out that this nonsense will impact military readiness and military families, which are supposedly sacrosanct to Republicans.
That will show him!
“gym” jordan? Lou “Dobb”?