Discussion: House Dems Mull Subpoenaing Notes, Interpreter From Trump-Putin Meeting

We have a fake president who likes secret meetings with our enemies.

What did he give to Putin?


So would this move trigger an executive privilege battle royale between Flood or some other toadie and the forces of all that is right in front of a tainted and tilted SCOTUS?


Not sure about this one. Be better for the intelligence agencies to question the interpreter. Would we want a Republican Congress to subpoena the interpreter for a Democratic president? I wouldn’t.



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Donnie- Vlad, I have these terrible nightmares in which everything we did gets discovered and me, Don Jr, Erik, Ivanka, Barron, and Melania do not make it to the Russian safe house.

Vlad- I too have dreams like this sometimes. But then I think, Josef Stalin died in his bed, sleeping…is a very reassuring thought…


I see your point , but the ReThugs attack all the time with or without precedent.


So was the interpreter a russian or provided by them? Can you imagine the shit storm by republicans if Obama ever did anything remotely close to this?

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I think the subpoena has to go out. Trump may have a chance to meet Putin a few more times before he leaves office. He needs to be constrained. The Trumpers need someone to get in their faces to make them behave. Dems did a great job of that with Whitaker last week. More Please!!!


Not sure about this one. Be better for the intelligence agencies to question the interpreter. Would we want a Republican Congress to subpoena the interpreter for a Democratic president? I wouldn’t.

Not sure it’s a point: according to Maddow, among other sources, DT’s completely disregarded established protocols for meetings with foreign leaders, so the many layers of officials in place to provide surety about these meetings have been removed. I have no reason to doubt that a Democratic administration would reconstitute these protective measures, so a subpoena of the interpreter would be as redundant as it has always been in the past.
Now, should a Democratic president start meeting with the leaders of hostile powers without these bureaucratic and personnel safeguards in place, I don’t see how I could object to a legitimate inquiry into what was transacted there, particularly if that relationship was as fraught as the Trump-Putin one is.


I hope the interpreter has protection.

I think the American people have a right to know what was said in that meeting.


My feeling is that the IC (ours and others) already know essentially what took place in these meetings through the incessant chatter of Russians picked up through electronic surveillance.

It seems the best way of establishing what took place would be to send a representative to talk to the organization with (hands down) the best electronic eavesdropping inside Russia: Välisluureamet, the Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service.


He’s my employee …

and as long as they are representing MY company … I want to know what the fuck is going on …

They can keep their bedroom antics to themselves …
but ALL other business … IS my business —

And I don’t care what party they claim …


I don’t see that this move would set a precedent that any “normal” U.S. president couldn’t live with. Testimony can be taken in a closed hearing that preserves an appropriate level of confidentiality.

What we’re talking agout in this situation is tresionus behavior on the part of a president. To say the obvious: this ain’t normal and should not be treated as a normal situaition.

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