Discussion: House Dems Lay The Groundwork For Obtaining Donald Trump's Tax Returns

“Delbene was referring to an episode in the 2014 IRS targeting investigation, where the committee, under the leadership of Paul Ryan, requested and disclosed the returns of 51 taxpayers”.

Ummmm, what?


Yup, lots of history here. The law allows ANY tax payers returns to be obtained.

Came out of the tea-pot dome scandal under Harding (involving fraud and then tax fraud in buying oil for, as I recall, the Navy). It turned out that the treasury department was not exactly investigating and lots of folks in Hardings Administration were involved. So as part of its oversight powers (and also to generally be able to see how the tax system was working in the real world, and be able to fix issues) the law was changed to allow the heads of three committees, as well as each house of congress via resolution, to obtain ANYONES taxes.

But they are right, they need to lay the legal basis for need re Trump. Lots of options (1) see if he is personally benefiting form his own tax cuts, (2) see if the IRS was granting him favorable treatment (after all he keeps saying he is under audit - see Nixon e.g., (3) see if he cheated in the past, (4) to see if he as an emoluments issue, and (5) to see if he is under foreign control or influence.

All they need is testimony on the need for all 5 items (and perhaps others) and they are good to go.


Get his yearbooks while you’re at it. They seem to be more fatal than tax returns.


No one—especially the President—is above the law. Period.


What they need is a reason to subpoena the outtakes of the “apprentice.” Lots of reports that Trump used racist and sexist language (and still does) but the difference was that everything was taped.

Perhaps a showing that they could be used as blackmail? Need to know?


And his calendars!!


“In other words, we will ask the question: Does the public have the need to know that a person seeking or holding the highest office in the country obeys the tax laws?”

This is not the right argument.

The right argument is that we need to know whether a president has financial conflicts that would preclude him or her from being faithful to their oath.


House Dems Lay The Groundwork For Obtaining Donald Trump’s Tax Returns

Oh, yasss!!! Hit THE WORLD-WIDE ASSHOLE from all directions! I want this guy so miserable that he resigns. But he won’t. So I want him so miserable that he has bloody stools. I want him to be at least as miserable as every child and parent he has separated and imprisoned in cages. I want him to pay ten-fold for every lie he has publicly uttered. Finally, I want him imprisoned for his traitorous acts.

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This story has nothing to do with this topic, but it gives me hope at least temporarily that SCOTUS can do the right thing in spite of Kav’s presence on it. Roberts voted with the liberal wing.


NBC specifically the producer of The Apprentice Mark Burnett owns the tapes. Moron’s using disgusting language doesn’t seem on the face of it to be enough reason to examine them. It’s like the character in All The President’s Men was supposed to have said but actually never did: Follow the money.

However, the Foreign Affairs Committee chaired by Eliot Engel may be more interested than ever in pursuing how much trumpp knew about Jamal Khashoggi’s death now that there’s a definite link between the murder and MBS’s statement in 2017 about using a “bullet” on him.

Hoping this breaking news is on TPM’s list of stories for tomorrow.


I was just in the audience at Notre Dame for “A Conversation With Nina Totenberg.” Among the requests was for a description of a typical day [reporting for NPR].

She noted that because she was “a pumpkin after 7PM tonight” and this big Louisiana story was probably going to break soon, she had recorded two analyses: one for if the SC blocked, and one if it didn’t.


I know, but a guy can always hope… :wink:

That’s interesting. I wonder if his milquetoast establishmentarianism will gradually start overriding his conservative instincts and pull him slightly to the left to avoid 5-4 rulings that overturn big issues like this. Of course all that goes out the window if RBG dies before 2021.

Well Dumpy Doofus has official and unofficial tax returns . It will be up to the authorities to collect both .

Get the whole package and don’t miss a single item.
if that doesn’t put trump on a Mylanta diet, nothing will.

Meanwhile, there is a move in Albany to require state tax returns for all presidential candidates who filed NY taxes to be released. Since the Dems control both houses and the Governor’s Office this has a better chance of passage and would provide the same information more or less.

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That much paper is strong evidence of criminal fraud. It’s meant to distract, discourage and confuse. Keep digging, y’all; there’s a pony in there for sure.

everyone knows he’s a racist who uses foul language - that’s not going to change anything

the media needs to explain to joe average why it isn’t a good idea to have a president who is in debt - phsycological and financial to a foreign power and have the courts prosecute hm for high crimes and misdemeanors

Yes and yes!

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