Discussion: House Democrats' First Bill Focuses On Increasing Voting Access

Sounds good.

In the Senate Mitch McConnell isn’t planning to bring it up for a vote.

People should start contacting Republican senators now!


We know this will never get to a vote in the Senate. But it will be topic one on Election Day 2020 (along with a lot of other legislation that the House will pass). Next election nobody will be able to say that the Democrats do not have a platform to run on.


Most of this would be unconstitutional even if it passed.

Elections are state powers, the SCOTUS is a separate branch that controls it’s own rules,

President Taxes could likely be pushed through. They should have done something stupidly simple here and bashed Republicans over the head with it.

I don’t do this very often, but here goes:

We the People of the United States, …

Article. I.

Section. 4.

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day.

Section. 5.

Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members,


Yes, yes and more yes! I know better but I almost feel like someone listened! One of the worst antidemocratic aspects of the Senate is their shadowy, virtual filibuster. The first way Senators try to kill ideas is to simply spread rumors that there isn’t support for them. Without ever voting or even admitting how they would vote. The Republican House wouldn’t even try to pass a bill against which Mitch McDonald had spread a strong enough rumor, but the Democratic House ABSOLUTELY SHOULD!.

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It has no chance of becoming law but it’s well crafted. But it will contrast the Democrats with the Republicans and hopefully it will get the press it deserves. The SCOTUS ethics code is clever. If the bill is run up to the Court for silencing SCOTUS will be asked to can a law that required them to act as our Founders intended.


I haven’t checked but I’m reasonably sure these are all things majorities approve. So if the GOP wants to accuse the Dems of being obstructionists, they can turn it back on them. Works for me.


Maybe, but if so the Republicans should be made to pay a political price.


How so?


Arguably you’re right but the Democrats … aren’t known for their embrace of this tactic.


The AP article seems a bit confused. Early online voting? (Maybe online requests for mail-in ballots?)

I think this is a dumb Democratic move–way too many things in this bill. I know they are shiny objects for Democrats but hey people, choose one thing and stick with it. I would be satisfied with voting access and an end to gerrymandering.

Plenty of people are clamoring for impeachment. Well, let’s just say, there are other things more likely to stir up the masses and for the better. I would much prefer substantive issues like protecting voting rights and taming gerrymandering. Voting is still the way it’s done here and the better we make the process, the better off we’ll be. Improving the lives of the citizens of this country is far more important. Giving people a reason to believe in the process and that it can work for them is huge.

Impeachment for what purpose? Embarrassment? By the time impeachment efforts get off the ground, it will be time for the next election. Keep in mind, there are no GOP members of Congress with any spark, backbone or integrity. Those days are long gone. I feel it a privilege to have come of age when the GOP actually stood for something. I personally believe losing the general election by a solid vote margin would do more to shrivel up this supreme POS than anything else. The blow to his ego would speed up his mental decline that is already underway. I want this clodhopper to have to live the reality of a LOSER!