Don’t make a threat if you can’t or won’t back it up?
That’s gonna take a loooong time, and a whole lotta damage being done if we ever there.
What realistic alternative strategy do you propose?
Impeachment ASAP. It doesn’t matter what the Senate does. If the HOR impeaches him, that forces the GOP to support a candidate whose been found to have conducted high crimes and misdemeanors against this country in the next election. Not impeaching him sets a precedent that could/will end America as it was founded. That will be the fault of the Democrats, not the Republicans. We could investigate and accumulate evidence against this President forever, and all of that won’t mean squat if we never use that evidence against him.
I will not pretend to know the law. My reading of procedure seems to indicate after a vote of the full House, Nadler can convey to a U.S. Attorney a contempt citation, which that U.S. Attorney must present (in some readings) to a Federal Judge, who decides whether to impose whatever sanctions in statutory law are appropriate and available. A person can be jailed, but for no longer than the remainder of the term of that Congress.
Nadler, so far as I can tell, has been officially told to piss off more than once by the Executive. Yet he has not crafted a single contempt filing in response to any of what I presume to be vettted, legal subpoenas. I suppose he has his reasons, but the sentiments and wishes of the activists in his party are apparently not one of the reasons he’s factoring into his decisions. If he’s going to slow walk a showdown fine, but how about giving Democrats just a bit of a peek through the blinds as to his game plan, lest he risk ever growing disenchantment among his supporters with the process.
INVESTIGATIONS leading to rolling/quickening calls for impeachment, cresting in October 2020, so that he is being impeached at the same time that he’s tied to the GOP’s ankle like a truck wheel to drag them down and drown them.
Errr, no that’s what a conviction would do. Charging him on the House and then failing to convict in the Senate would feed the Trumpian narrative that “There Was No Collusion! Witch Hunt! So They Tried Another Attack! No Conviction!”
Drown him subpoenas, get it all in their nightly news and Twitter feeds, then vote to impeach, but until then, we still haven’t sold it to the middle…
Probable scenario.
I hope.
Yada, Yada, Yada.
That’s not what I asked. What EXACTLY do you want him to do?
Not make threats that he either can’t or won’t enforce. You know, exactly what I said.
First rule of making a threat is that you have to be willing and able to carry it out.
But who knows, maybe this SWL will be the one that breaks the streak.
Making a threat you are “willing and able to carry…out” but which then yields a severely-increased disadvantage is unstrategic and foolish.
So…many an empty threat, or one, that when carried out will have an even worse effect?
Man, I can’t think of a third option in this extremely tricky situation. Can you?
Cummings, Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi are currently executing it. The longer the investigations drag on, without the initiation of impeachment hearings which might end too quickly–or, worse still, end in exoneration–the better.
So, how many subpoenas can be safely ignored? What number is the X+1 that will push it over the edge?
the lack of urgency displayed by the democrats is disgusting. these agencies are being dismantled and subverted into agencies to support dotard and destroy their original mission. and if these assholes don’t get off their asses and start to fight back, it’s going to be too late to ever recover.