Discussion: House Committee Subpoenas DOJ, FBI For Documents Related To Trump Dossier

The Rooskies probably have something on Nunes. Gowdy is just a hack.


The House Committee to Cover Up Trump/Russia collusion subpoenaed the FBI?!?!?!?!?

Who but Trump benefits? Did Nunes take cues from the WH on this?

Isn’t that obvious obstruction?

Who put him up to that?

Did Nunes just volunteer for RICO charges?


And let’s be honest here, this House charade is no investigation, at best it is running interference for Trump’s malfeasance, at worst it should be titled The House Committee To Obstruct the Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation.


Yes, just imagine what kind of damage they might have done if we didn’t have people like Adam Schiff on the committee.


Wtf is wrong with these jackholes? They spend more time screwing with investigations than trying to resolve crimes. And then they sanctimoniously opine about the ‘rule of law’. Like they would know one if the saw it.


Right on point, I think. That should become obvious once (we hope!) the first indictments against Trump associates start coming from grand juries being fed information by Mueller (and/or Schneiderman). The various congressional committees will probably only become central players if impeachment is on the table in a serious way.


Mueller’s job is to save democracy ultimately.


Nunes to Trump: “Urine good hands.”


How is this not textbook obstruction of justice?


The good guys are easy to spot these days, the corruption is so pervasive, its like some Tammany Hall resurrection in 21st Century DC, but the arrogant transparency of the crooks is even more exposed by the internet and cable news… they think they are fooling enough people to get away with something, when they are barely fooling their own rabid base.


Bingo. They are desperate. Trump Co is running in circles with hair on fire. It would be frightening if they had a thimble full of insight or competence. I don’t doubt that Nunes is on Muellers list He will pay but it will be after all the big players have gone down and the FBI is sweeping up the mess left over.


and considering the legal separation of powers, it also becomes conspiracy…

The WH could talk to their lawyers about it and stay out of conspiracy territory, but not to lone-wolf or wolf-pack Congressmen.


I literally cracked up laughing at the utter absurdity and yet absolute truth of your statement. This one guy isn’t merely tasked with an investigation into a corrupt president and his corrupt cronies. No, he’s tasked with literally saving the planet and human existence from a madman. I wonder if when he lays down at night to go to sleep, does he realize that the fate of the world rests on his shoulders? It’s an unimaginable weight.


"Conway isn’t sure what will happen if both the FBI and Justice Department refuse to hand over information and enforcement of contempt will be left to House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Nunes refused to comment." (rawstory)

“Enforcement of contempt” by the wienie-mobile boy. Here comes Ryan’s ‘family values’ issues. Or not. I predict Ryan will melt from the amount of radiation possible from Mueller just like Nunes is melting down right now.


He’s continuing to stick with his firm policy of acting like he’s just someone who happened to walk in the room, on any issue.


Again - why have Democrats opposed this move to subpoena documents? What’s going on here?

Yes, if we had to guess, that seems to be a kind of explanation for Nunes’ weirdness. But I imagine him flailing with those little rat claws, unable to break down the rock-solid case we know Mueller will bring.

Acts of desperation? What the fuck is Nunes up to?

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In my opinion, every bit of information in and about the dossier should be public. It’s certainly impossible for anyone to trust Nunes in this regard, and the more widely the information is available, the better for the American public.


Oh no, I think he very publicly jilted trump the other day. Sad!!!

Signs are that he does. And he is up to the task.

And this was a morning where it was really good to be reminded of how rock-solid competent all his choices have been (that are public knowledge).

Who he’s brought in on his team, his collaboration with NY AG Schneiderman, and bringing in the IRS Criminal Investigation unit (who has had a 90% annual conviction rate since 1918) are just some examples of what he is doing right.