Discussion: Hotly Contested Georgia Congressional Race Grinds Into Its Final Days

We beseech thee, oh great FSM. Work your Ossof on getting us a win…



I am hoping the Democrat wins, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Republican pulls it out. She is about as brain dead hard right as any Republican candidate I have seen in years. That is saying a lot. She is against a living wage and for something akin to Christian Sharia law. She fits the modern GOP to a “T.”

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If GOP turnout in the 6th is like it was in 2006 or 2014, Ossoff will win. If GOP turnout is like 2010 or 2016, Handel will squeak in. Given that the falloff usually afflicts the party holding the White House, Ossoff would have the edge, but this district has been so heavily GOP for so long that it’s difficult for me to be really optimistic.


Wow, for a traditionally Republican district they really did not like Trump. Despite Tom Price holding the seat with 61% of the vote, Trump beat Clinton 48% to 47%.

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“Rep. John Lewis (R-GA)” <= this looks goofy. You should fix it.


Even if Ossoff wins, I am disturbed by the very concept of a $50 million House race. Sure, this won’t be the norm when there are 435 races on the ballot but still…it’s an ugly precedent.

I want Ossoff to win because he’s the better candidate. But also, I don’t want him to lose and then have to listen to the Berniecrats’ moaning and scolding about how the Dems’ messaging sucks and we need more ‘true’ progressive candidates .

Well, if the Democrats put up more “true” progressives, there will be a lot more victories with decisive margins, especially in conservative districts such as this one.

Oath / One for AOL controls the ads on my browser… and when I am reading this article about the hotly contested race I am bombarded with Pro Handel ads paid for by US chamber of commerce… took a screenshot, but don’t quite know how to paste it… big money is definitely screwing the American Electorate and TPM appears to be an unintended accomplice…


Also, you don’t get it. Yes Democratic Party people try to recruit good candidates but mostly it’s not the Democratic Party putting out a candidate. It’s the candidates putting themselves forward.

So was there a Berniecrat running in this primary? And don’t kid yourself – a Berniecrat unable to win in. Democratic primary is extremely unlikely to win in the general.

Heh. The district is shaped liked Texas flipped from right to left. Clearly an auspicious omen.