Discussion: Hospital Upgrades Scalise Condition To 'Serious,' Says He Is 'More Responsive'

He will soon be well enough to endorse and deposit the check written by the NRA.


One hopes that Scalise has a full recovery, insofar as medically possible.

But anyone who also hopes for some sort of “Saul on the road to Damascus” epiphany from Scalise is going to be bitterly disappointed.

Scalise is an unapologetic racist and a thorough-going bigot—he campaigned as “David Duke without the baggage.”

No bullet can change that.


And irony of ironies, he was shot and almost killed by a crazy shooter, with a legally acquired assault rifle that the NRA wants to make sure is always available to aforementioned crazy shooters. I said the other day that O. Henry could have written Scalise’s story as ‘The Grift of The MAGAi’. Empathy, yes, sentimentality, never.


Watch for the video: “I just fucking got myself shot!”



Meanwhile, deep in the woods of Camp David, a tormented soul cries out in anguished spin.

President Donald Trump began Sunday morning as he often does, with a series of tweets.
The Father’s Day tweets were clearly addressed at redress, an attempt to counter perceptions of his presidency by reaching out directly to the American people.

Tweet 1: “The MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN agenda is doing very well despite the distraction of the Witch Hunt. Many new jobs, high business enthusiasm,…”
Tweet 2: “…massive regulation cuts, 36 new legislative bills signed, great new S.C.Justice, and Infrastructure, Healthcare and Tax Cuts in works!”
Tweet 3: “The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating.That’s higher than O’s #'s!”
Presumably, the reference in the third tweet was to former President Barack Obama, though it’s not clear what the direct comparison was.

Trump seems to be back to normal. Scalise, the SF UPS workers and the Sailors of the USS Fitzgerald?..Bygones, I guess.


He forgot The Wall

Has anyone in the media come around to inquire about Jared Kushner’s progress with Peace in the Middle East and the other odd jobs he got ? I think we are owed an update by now…


You can’t say that the Moirai don’t have a gift for irony.


He really hates being less popular than Obama. Glad the Obamas will be in Washington for a while. They just bought the house they were leasing.


And in other news, two right wing “protesters” disrupted the performance of Julius Caesar in Central Park on Friday, shouting “Stop the normalization of political violence against the right!”

They are going to make it stick that the baseball practice shooting typifies the hatred of the left. Truth told, there is a lot of hatred on the left, and we participate in it as if it were a joke, but it’s your basic shitty right wing move to paint us with that brush and brand us as murderers. As if the right wears flowers in their hair and bestows the blessings of St. Francis on all living things. Supreme irony.

But I fear them winning the image war. We win no points with this shooting, nor do we (and admittedly hindsight is a wonderful thing) win any with Shakespeare in the Park’s Julius Caesar. These are dangerous times. It seems we can only communicate with our own kind, and I fear growth in the numbers of those who speak the language of the other side.


I guess if there’s a lesson from recent history we should write down on our hands Palin-style so we don’t forget it any time soon, it’s that reality itself cannot argue you out of a belief you don’t care to change. A big chunk of society has made maximal gun freedom an article of faith, a matter of belief, not something subject to evidence or logic. Scalise may very well not want to strengthen gun laws any more than he’d want to change car laws after a wreck. Then again, he may. But if he didn’t I wouldn’t be surprised. It took James Brady years after he was shot to become a gun-control advocate, and it took Reagan longer than that.


His constant “lie-perbole” Is outrageous. “…Rassmusson poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 election”. Might as well say “Peter Dinklage, one of the tallest actors working in the world today.”


Or, “Barstool Palin, well known virgin.”


Nasty but true.
We have noted the sounds of crickets when the subject of people being able to buy weapons of war for their own personal killing spree.
I post it every time
and every time it rings true

David Wheeler, father of victim six-year-old Ben Wheeler, challenged American parents to mobilize for stricter gun control.
David Wheeler, father of victim six-year-old Ben Wheeler, challenged American parents to mobilize for stricter gun control.

60 Minutes‘s Scott Pelley interviewed the families of seven victims in the broadcast, where parents advocated for gun control and retold in heart-wrenching detail the moments they discovered their children had been murdered.

“I would like every parent in this country—that’s 150 million people. I would like them to look in the mirror and that’s not a figure of speech, Scott. I mean find a mirror in your house and look in it and look in your eyes and say ‘this will never happen to me, this will never happen in my school, this will never happen in my community,’ and see if you actually believe that. And if there’s a shadow, the slightest shadow of doubt in what you’ve said? Think about what you can do to change that,” Wheeler said. “It is going to happen again. It’s going to happen again. Every time, it’s somebody else’s school, it’s somebody else’s community, it’s somebody else’s town. Until one day, you wake up and it’s not.”

given the complications he is suffering, i’d say Scalise is likely pooping in a bag stuck tupperware style to his abdomen. I doubt you or I can predict how that will ultimately effect him.


It was not all that long ago our allies in Europe, Canada, and Asia thought of the position of President of the United States as the leader of the free world.


the nazis did the same thing-always the victims of the jews


That’s all done with now.


They’re just keeping him around because Nemesis isn’t ready for him yet.