Discussion: Holder: Trump Urging Russia To Hack Clinton's Emails 'Disqualifies' Him

Lock him up! Lock him up!
Donnie for Prison!


Some people will vote for him if video emerges of Putin reaming him in his ass.


Donald Trump would sell America, and all of us down the river if it would line his pockets, spread his brand, and extend his shameless legacy. This is but one more example of how low the Drumpf will go to get what he wants, and the rest of the world be damned!


His base is base.

I base that on personal observations.


Was there ever anything other than US-born and over 35 that qualified him?


For the Republicans, his non-black orange hue.

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Explore Slings Arrows


The most dangerous times in United States history.

Brought to you by _____________________________ (pick an MSM outlet, among those who gave Trump free media, enabling him–with the aid of Winner-Take-All rules–to win the GOP Nomination with far less than 50% of the total Primary vote)


Consider whether Trump is once again saying something for no better reason that to get “us” to focus on him and not on reality.


Thanks a lot for that mental image. I feel so dirty now.


I suggested that elsewhere and had my head, essentially, handed to me.

I am waiting for the solid evidence produced by national intel that DT was behind the email,leak over this past weekend. We know it was a Russian IP address, that has already been made clear. How to attach that to DT is quite another story.

That Traitor Trump makes this call now, just imagine him with the entire national security apparatus at his fingers to go after his political, business, and media enemies. To say nothing of the more lethal tools of the Federal Government.

Yet some people cheered this in the moment because the dislike Clinton and the Democrats.

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Better is me, Vlad the Terrible, riding bear on shore of Volga river.


Ya just can’t ignore that anyone.

2015 is that way


This stinking coward Eric Holder never prosecuted one police for murder of unarmed blacks. This stinking Holder did bail out all the banks and destroy our economy. This slimy coward sat on his ass for years in the government and then took a job with Wall Street, of course. Holder has no credibility and, like dubya, should never again see the light of day outside a prison cell, and I include Obama in that indictment.

Some people also cheer (or is it cheerlead ? :wink: ) him on because they are sick of the politicians who have done almost nothing to halt the fall in living standards and confidence in the future in country for the majority of people in this country over the past few decades. I’ll grant you that they are woefully misguided in their choice of Trump as someone who’s going to ameliorate their condition, but you have to admit that Republicans, and to a large extent Democrats, have let them down.

But perhaps there is something from the Hillary.com, a policy proposal perhaps, that you could post that would get them to see their error.

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Sad to see some Trump fans, some anti-Clinton and anti-Democratic people are now pro-crime by Russian oligarchs and despots.


Les, would you care to elaborate? After all, a smear is better if it’s fleshed in with some half-truths. As you know, or should know, I’ve never given any support to Russian oligarchs or despots. So WTF are you trying to imply?

I mean, please say it out loud so that people will know what you are talking about, and I can respond appropriately.

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