Donnie Drumpf’s intellect is as short as his fingers.
Boy is THAT an understatement, Mr. Holder.
why would a really smart guy qualify his statement by using the word ‘may’?
Wow, this is fabulous trolling. Holder, a black man, taunts Trump, a racist white man, about not being smart enough, all while repeatedly talking about “black and white”.
ho ho ho.
This is Eustace level trolling.
I think Donnie’s soon going to really understand the expression “death by a thousand cuts”…
Eric Holder may be the master of understatement.
I think to our ears as political junkies it sounds like a near-laughable understatement. But to me it makes sense if you’re speaking to the broader public. They haven’t been following Trump for a year like we have, growing ever more shocked at his vapid ignorance and crude form of thinking. They assume, because he’s supposedly successful in business, that he must be reasonably intelligent. It’s an intuitive thing to assume. I thought it myself until a friend who was himself a business guy and a Ph.D. chemist said he thought the main factors in business success were luck and a willingness to take chances. It wasn’t necessary, he said, to be all that smart. So I think Holder is sowing that suspicion, so the public can start noticing for themselves. That’s what’ll be persuasive, not just asserting that Trump’s a big stupid yutz, period. That just sounds like partisan rhetoric. Happens to be true but people need to get there on their own.
For some reason, this reminds me of the old Phil Hartman SNL sketch where Reagan is a genius in private but a dolt in public.
I don’t really believe in divine intervention, but I will admit, every morning I wake hoping to read the news that Trump has suffered a massive incapacitating stroke.
Can’t wait to get Rump’s tweets about getting called a dummy by a Black man.
Because he’s a really smart guy.
Using the conditional modifier makes the statement stronger and invites listeners to arrive at the same conclusion by using their own brains, instead of being told something that doesn’t stick as well as self-discovery of the facts.
I love Eric Holder…just like the President, I think he has no more fks to give…get out of his way.
“May lack?” “May lack?”
Holder probably isn’t harming or helping with this critique, although the goal of swinging a sliver of Trump supporters to Clinton isn’t enhanced with this talk. Trump supporters don’t want someone smart, or experienced in governing. They want a primitive, reactionary, plain spoken bigot with a demonstrated willingness to kill and oppress brown and black people and non-Christians. That Trump is a nationalisitic, fascist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic idiot is a plus to most of them. It makes him a kindred soul. One of their own.
Come on Drumpf, now’s the time to release your college transcripts to prove Holder wrong.
That’s one of my concerns regarding his constant tweeting. Because when is he studying briefing books, policy positions? Even talking points from the Kremlin? That’s why even Putin is holding him at arms length now.
He’s not even any good as a Manchurian candidate.