Discussion for article #227789
Discussion: Hobby Lobby Ruling Helps Mormon Fundamentalist Fight Subpoena For Child Labor Violations
And awwaaaaaaaay we go!
We’re living in Mitt Romney’s America in spite of him losing the election.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s words get proved true again!
Republicans finally find a way to protect American jobs.
There’s nothing to worry about. The SCOTUS knew exactly what they were doing with Hobby Lobby. Religious exemptions are required…provided they’re for the right religions (ie. Mormons, Jews, Hindus, etc. need not apply).
As to the cognitive dissonance of that position with the separation of church and state?
No comment from the court.
The Court’s ‘only task is to determine whether the claimant’s belief is sincere, and if so, whether the government has applied substantial pressure on the claimant to violate that belief.’
Looks like my “Sincerity Detect-O-Matic” has found its market! Ka-CHING!!
Huh. Maybe the people arguing that judicial activism is a slippery slope that could lead to polygamy may have been on to something… just not the something they thought.
How does this not violate my constitutional rights as an atheist to equal protection under the laws, i.e. legal protection equal to those of a theist?
It’s mind blowingly offensive!
So, according to the Hobby Lobby ruling, i can claim the status of a sovereign citizen because my religious beliefs preclude conformity with American laws. Is that right? Did Hobby Lobby just blow the door open for sovereign citizens to run amok through all of American laws? What’s the difference between a religion and a mental disease? Both conditions cause the individual’s beliefs to be sincere.
In hindsight, the SCOTUS should have had more forethought.
The phrase “FUCKING NUTS” comes to mind.
hahaha… there’s something perversely funny that this ruling essentially allows sharia law to be practiced without interference from the state… hey, if it’s mandated by your religion, who is the state to interfere.
this is going to get interesting…
Good god, this is really appalling.
IMO all five of the dipshits who signed onto the “religious freedom” BS should be disbarred. Hell, I know very little about the law but I did know it was a horrible decision that would simply allow religious nuts to do exactly what these morons did.
In Hobby Lobby all SCOTUS wanted to do was shame those SLUTS. They wanted to put women in ‘their place’ which is under a man. Hobby lobby had nothing to do with religious freedom and everything to do with controlling women. The US will be in chaos thanks to the activist court.
Not that I agree with the Hobby Lobby ruling - I don’t it’s an attack on the constitution and decidedly not the intent of the Founders; this ruling is BS it does not follow the guidelines set in the Hobby Lobby ruling. Those guidelines were the ruling ONLY applied to birth control.
The case in the article you are responding to deals with a member of a Mormon sect…
Sharia … American style … Thanks Republicans!
So religion trumps human rights, women’s rights, equal rights, and child labor laws? The SCOUTUS has a lot to answer for.
aka ChriSharians in the coming TEaOcracy.