Discussion: Hobby Lobby Plants The Seeds For Opting Out Of All Contraception

Well, we are talking about Republican families so you never know.

You are correct on all counts, and I have no reservations about voting for a woman, in general. I just seem to recall some things about back then, when the couple was referred to as “Billary”, sometimes not in a nice way. But, yes, this isn’t the 90’s, and she has “evolved” on many issues, and I just learned that since Hobby Lobby, Mrs. Clinton now abhors RFRA, and that it should be repealed. Maybe in two years I will evolve, as well. I’m now waiting to hear what her stand will be on Keystone as a candidate. More to the point, what will Obama’s position be?

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Don’t these right wing sickies and zealots have anything better to do? This is outrageous.

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I am really beginning to be surprised that the Christian Scientists haven’t gotten into the act here. Forcing them to cover medical care at all is a violation of their creed.

And the Jehovah’s Witnesses clearly need policies that don’t cover blood transfusions or the use of any blood products…

But you know something, I would bet $50 that this supreme court would never OK a request for a coverage restriction that doesn’t involve beating up on women.


Next up:

Conservatives rally to protest safety belts and speed limits!


“This new policy doesn’t get at the primary problem. The administration is setting itself up as a mediator between God and the conscience on the question of the taking of innocent human life.”

contraceptives don’t “take” human life. of course, they know this, but it turns out that pretend ignorance is a lot more profitable than honesty is.


I don’t mean to be light on this issue’ but, the word(s), thought that, first came to mind is: “back to the Dark Ages”.

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Even getting to those kinds of questions is pretty ridiculous. The government is saying that if I’m an employer, and I decide to offer a specific benefit to my employees, I can’t discriminate against my female employees in a particular way. No “arbiter” thing involved, any more than the government would be being an arbiter of morals if it told me that I couldn’t forbid my employees from drinking coffee or caffeinated soft drinks while not at work.

Who, at the moment of birth, abruptly becomes a miracle from God.

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Conservatives rally to protest safety belts and speed limits!

Funny you should mention that; here in deep-red Utah, most of the state’s Interstate highways carry an 80 mile per hour speed limit. We also have a weak seat belt law; you may not be pulled over simply for not wearing a belt, though you may be cited for it if you are pulled over for another reason and the cop just happens to notice that you’re not wearing a belt. Why don’t we have a law that allows you to be pulled over for failing to wear a seat belt? FREEDOM!™


They just despise other people having sex.


I wish it was hard to believe so many people could be this obtuse but alas, it is not. No one is “attacking” birth control. No one is denying anyone access to birth control. If you wish to use birth control all you have to do is go get some. The real problem is that you have been denied (so far) the legal ability to force someone else to pay for what you want in this one, narrow instance and you’re all screaming bloody murder over it. We should be moving away from employer provided medical insurance not trying to force everyone into it.

Isn’t this the same “party” that wants ot eliminate “frivolous” lawsuits??

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Where have you been? these people have ALWAYS been against birth control. It’s all about controlling women and their pesky habit of enjoying sex. There must be consequences!!/sarcasm

I really hate them all.


Except that you’re wrong - they’re denying those employees the right to use THEIR earned benefits for a medical issue. And yes, they ARE attacking birth control. Insurance is an earned benefit. I don’t see them denying men the ability to get Viagra on their insurance benefit, do you?

On the other hand, I’m for single payer. But in the meantime, my boss should not be able to control my birth control choices. Period.


Earlier this week I had another person here argue that a zygote is just the other end of the continuum of life from an elderly person who cannot take care of him/herself. And that they both deserve equal protection.


After a female egg is fertilized, the resulting one-celled organism becomes known as a zygote. Once this has occurred, the zygote begins a two-week period of rapid cell division and will eventually become an embryo.

It looks like the majority opinion in Hobby Lobby can best be described setting up a poisoning the pill defense. It looks like the new hobby that is being lobbied by the decision is litigation.

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Yes. These people are attacking BC. If we had a single payer system, we would all still be paying for everyone’s BC, and they would be raising the same objections.


[quote=“fourlegsgood, post:36, topic:8004”]
Except that you’re wrong - they’re denying those employees the right to use THEIR earned benefits for a medical issue. And yes, they ARE attacking birth control. Insurance is an earned benefit.
[/quote]It is also not just the Employer paying for the insurance. Why the hell am I having a couple hundred dollars a month deducted from my paycheck to go towards paying for my insurance if my employer’s religous convictions are the primary determinant on if my wife can use said insurance to access legal preventative treatments to control her endometriosis.


We’re still in them.