Discussion: History Repeats Itself: How Corruption Nearly Killed The NRA Twice

It’s the same group of suckers… maybe they share contact lists.


Why is North still employed if this was going on?


The NRA might want to consider adopting that policy… the wailing of Republicans being told to ante up instead of being promised “the check is in the mail” would be music to my ears.


Maybe. We have evangelicals that take their kids out in the desert after church on Sunday to shoot at beer bottles, jack rabbits and ravens. What (or who) would Jesus shoot?

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When I was in college I wrote a paper on the modern origins of the KKK in early 20th century. It had very similar marketing roots and was organized to benefit a small group of organizers at the top. Both the NRA and the KKK have more in common with the Brotherhood of Bob or Rotary International than the Kiwanis or Rotary would want us to believe. It doesn’t matter if the organization’s stated objectives are good or bad, the marketing/branding principals are the same. The opportunity for gross corruption is also the same. The modern Christian Evangelical movement is organized in much the same way. A bunch of rubes are sold a bill of goods by the front men for a few shadowy figures raking in all the cash. Grifters gotta grift.


“Nearly” is not nearly good enough…

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Hopefully, sooner or later they’re going to get it right.

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Well, all the same except the interesting question of where all the money whose source they went to such lengths to hide came from this time.


Oliver North is a thief? Whodathunk?


Are you kidding? How could you fire Oliver North? (Other than from a battleship, that is.)

As for Heston:

“I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you, Mr. Gore: ‘From my cold, dead hands!’” Heston yelled at a 2000 rally.

How about the cold dead hands of the mass shooters you enabled?

@ronbyers >

When I was in college I wrote a paper on the modern origins of the KKK in early 20th century. It had very similar marketing roots and was organized to benefit a small group of organizers at the top.

Yeah, I got a huge laugh when I learned that the top guys were buying sheets and pillowcases and rebranding them as official Klan attire. There’s one born every minute.


Those are just collateral damage.

“If a few mass shooting are the price we (actually someone else) should pay to protect the sacred 2A, so be it!”

Said no NRA spokesperson ever, even though that is what their actions mean.

Well FUCK! Please tell me the third time is the charm.


Designated fall guy. He’ll be tossed when the time is right.

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I saw that Dump is speaking at the Gathering of the Klans - my fondest wish would be for someone to hand him a gun and him not know how to hold it. (You don’t want to know what my second and third fondest wishes for him and that gun are.)


And that is exactly what they did. They also targeted their hate. On the West coast where there were a lot of hated Asians and few blacks, the KKK organizers targeted Asians. Little known fact, the same promoters created an off shoot organization for blacks who hated Asians. Grifters got to grift.


DANA LOESCH gets a MILLION bucks a year? Is she banging somebody? I know, SEXIST. But she is one STUPID broad.

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Great! Let them eat their own! Typical right-wing “self-policing” in action.

Hey, the free market says the NRA will be kaput shortly mostly for ignoring rules and laws, so I guess we should respect that and just make sure we show up for the wake!


That’s what I was thinking until this story told me this kind of thing has happened twice before.


Not “nearly” enough


”NRA Public Affairs managing director Andrew Arulanandam told TPM that the New Yorker piece was written by “a paid staff member of an anti-gun tabloid.”

Got a name to go with that allegation, Roscoe…?

And so what? If what he wrote is false you can rebut it. If grossly negligent, you can sue. You chose to do what…?