Discussion: Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce CEO Resigns From WH Council Over DACA

How Trump treats allies, Chapter One Zillion.


Guess what? You shouldn’t have been there in the first place, sucker! He used you when he needed to, now he throws you away.


trump has no heart, these people came here as children. They no nothing about their home country and most do not even speak the language. He is a nightmare for America.


So why was this guy on Trump’s phony council in the first place?

Someone should wrap him in cellophane and label him “Sucker.”


Trump your force is shrinking!!!


These are exactly the kind of young people we need in America, and we have a President that committed to taking care of them, and in fact said he would focus his energy on removing criminals.

We had a President like that. FIFY, Javy. Trump has always said he would focus his energy on removing everyone, because all illegal immigrants are criminals, and for that matter pretty much all Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers.


So, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems…they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” wasn’t enough?


Uhh, trump said Mexicans are murderers and rapists. Why would ANYONE, much less a Hispanic American, want to work w/ trump on a diversity council??? Did he not READ the writing on the wall beforehand? If he thinks Mexians are so evil, why would anyone think he would want to protect Mexican kids that were bought here by their parents???

That said, I’m glad he finally resigned. Sends a very powerful message.


He didn’t realize that “criminal” is code for Trump, it means brown person.


Good for him. I doubted his “threat” issued earlier. Avoid the tire treads when Trump announces that he had already dissolved the council.


ROPE! Although I have to admit, the GOP is proving remarkably adept at surviving its own self-lynchings and that, as a result, I’m leaning waaaaaaay towards NO QUARTER, NO MERCY lately. It’s all well and good for this guy to say “hey, I gave them a shot and they blew it” but it’s a rather empty gesture when all evidence suggested that even this guy’s household ferns could’ve predicted this outcome. Is he dumber than a fern? Perhaps that’s the takeaway here.


He’s shocked—SHOCKED—that there’s gambling going on in this establishment.


Dreamers’ lives shattered by nightmare president.


Um, there is no wall :wink:

All kidding aside, I don’t disagree with your points.


And just think, you guys helped put him there. As small to medium size business people did any of you do your due diligence on this con man. Or, was it just he wasn’t a woman?

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Trump’s & Ryan’s argument is that it was “unconstitutional” (like THEY’RE experts on that!) for Obama to focus on deporting illegals who are violent, and felons (because you can’t deport 13 million). And to NOT prioritize those brought here as children, if law-abiding & in the military, attending school or working. But isn’t that smart use of a scarce resource?

“Unconstitutional”? A “power grab”? No no no!
–> That’s called “discretion”, like a police chief focusing her efforts on preventing & solving homicides rather than on parking enforcement.


Really, who would be dumb enough to believe anything the Liar-In-Chief says? You were conned, Javier.

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Yep. That should have been his first clue.

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Trump’s continuing cruel, heartless behavior is breathtaking. He will not rest until he overturns every one of Obama’s policies that benefited the people of the country in order to take revenge on the previous president. This loathsome decision also serves to throw red meat to the basest of the base of his die-hard supporters.

Though the GOP repeatedly cited Obama’s overreach with the DACA order, Congress failed to pass immigration legislation for 5 years. Why does Trump think they will do it in 6 months? If not, what then? Meanwhile, the Dreamers remain in suspense, and he doesn’t give a damn. He’s taken his revenge and given the 34% base what they want, and he will blame the GOP Congress for the consequences.

Sorry it didn’t work out the way Palomarez wanted. Who could ever have expected…?