All Democrats better take a page out of Hirono’s book. Challenge these other Senators and Congress critters. Challenge their lies and half truths. Speak TRUTH to their lies. We have got to start fighting back instead of letting their lies stay out on the TV or internet. Speak up, challenge the lying repubs.
And only one of them has a reputation of having been a blackout drunk. Gee, who ya gonna believe?
“The last thing I wanted was to make this about me — that’s why I told everyone to tune in at 3 p.m. so I could tell all my female supporters, ‘Psych!’ " she said, referring to the real-life Collins’s lengthy Senate floor speech on Friday that caused the crash of a website that was set up to fund her future opponent, probably due to an influx of support. "Listen, I think it’s important to believe women until it’s time to stop.”
You’re doing it again and you’re still mistaken. Besides the irrefutable fact the Electoral College elected the orange moron, there was also the 53% of white women who voted for him. Or maybe you think they said to themselves, oh well, Susan, Nina and Jill are on board so I’ll jump on too.
Collins: “I believe you on the parts of your story that work to my political advantage, and I don’t believe you on the parts that work against my political advantage. How can I be any more moderate and bipartisan than that?!”
We can safely say The Blackout “No, but I’d fall asleep” Drunk is a functioning alcoholic since no one esp. him has talked about sobering up, working a 12-Step program, etc., but rather proclaiming “I like beer.” If I were to say “I like cocaine” they’d call me a drug user.
I can only hope that Democrats are starting to wake up tot he fact that the GOP is full of shit people. They are not to be trusted or dealt with. They have been this way for a long time, but there was always one or two people you could point to as “not that bad.” Fortunately, the Millennials have only known them as shit people. The majority may not identify as Democrats (yet), but there is no way they’ll ever be - or vote for - Republicans.
Who will rid us of this troublesome goper?
Collins is following the paradigm of climate change denial, just the moderate head fake version. “We agree that climate change is real, and that the weather is more violent and unpredictable. We just have no proof that green house gases are causing this. So lets by all means keep producing them.”
As a Mainer, I have supported her at times, in the hope that she really is a moderating influence. No more. The moderate Maine republican is dead. The existence of such has been an illusion for years, in fact. Our wingnut governor has praised Collins for her vote. She will never wash off the taint of that taint.
When oh when will this shit end. Dr. Ford’s sexual assault by Kavanaugh is just a part of why he was not qualified to be a judge in any position. To focus on Dr. Ford’s accusation in isolation from the rest of his own testimony and the attitude in which he delivered that damning speech is diversionary tactics of the worst sort. Kavanaugh committed numerous disqualifying remarks and deeds over his life and the totality of that is what needed to be focused on. One part of that pattern isolated from the rest is too easily turned into a he said/she said by scurrilous party hacks like Collins. He showed the world who he was in his own damned words and attitude and that disqualified him. Period. That is what Senator Murkowski said was the main reason she opposed him but the rest of the GOPers hide behind a wall of willful and intentional ignorance by pretending the man wasn’t/isn’t the rankest of partisan, ideological monsters in his own speech. Focus on what the man told us and how he did it. There’s no ambiguity in that speech. When a man shows you who he is, believe him.
The self-excusatory rationalizations of people such as Conway and Collins – flippantly dismissing the accounts of women such as Ford and Ramirez – are exactly the attitudes that powerful white male sexual abusers are counting on to keep their victims quiet.
Shorter GOP: The rapist so denies it. That proves he is innocent.
Totally idiotic.
Bernie, Stein, Sarandon et Alia own their piece of this debacle. They should have known better.
At this point I am beginning to believe that anyone who brings up this or Bernie Bros or any other distraction is either part of the Russian troll effort or a sad victim of it. It is clear that while those things may have mattered, what mattered more was Russian propaganda aided by gop collusion (e.g.McConnell refusal to do anything when warned) Trump collusion (tower meeting, call for Russia to hack emails, etc) and HRC’s ignoring the Rust Belt and picking a milquetoast veep and, Lordy, James Comey.
Time to get over what happened and trying to place blame to assuage oneself and move forward, you know, like PROGRESS, as the label implies and let’s bury these motherf@1#&ers!
We’re doing it the right way. The funding to defeat her is already in place. I’d bet a lot of it came from Mainers who had voted for her in the past.
I’m not sure he’s dry. He says he still likes beer. There are exceptions, but usually, people who have a drinking problem do not in later life find a way to drink in a controlled way. Old timers in A.A. put it this way: Once you are a pickle, you will never again be a cucumber.
You do know that Russian trolls were pouring fuel on the fire of the bitterness of the Bernie Bros?
People who drink are not “dry drunks”, kay?
No one who is assaulted, sexually or otherwise, does not forget who it is who assaulted them. Unless they are women, evidently. You know how easily we forget things. We are confused. We are so angry and we hate men, so naturally, we are mistaken when a man attacks us. Because we are women and all…
As @mattinpa put it, it’s not like Kavinaugh came out of the bushes wearing a mask. Collins makes it sound that way.