Discussion: Hillary Makes Surprise Appearance At Union Rally Outside Trump Hotel

Discussion for article #241673

Thanks Bernie. Without your candidacy, Hills would still be plowing the plutocrat furrow. You done dragged the discourse to the left.


But a car wrapped in Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) drove through the protest on Monday, according to CNN.

I hope Bernie is ok.


Yes indeed, thanks Bernie but watch out if Hills wins it all. She’ll do the stunt driver maneuver, pull up the handbrake and swing the steering wheel hard right, spin into a U turn and head back down the banker’s expressway, pedal to the metal running all those hippies in their VW buses off the road.

Sound familiar?

Hillary seems to be getting smarter by the day. Excellent move.


Anyone else notice the seriously uninspired looks she’s getting in the photo?

By all means, continue to treat the frontrunner as the enemy, so you and millions of purists can feel good staying home on election day next year! It’s all sounding so 2000, it’s terrifying.

Hillary Clinton was determined to be the 11th most liberal Senator during her 2001-2009 years in the Senate, and had a fine reputation of working with others. Both Joe Biden, and Barack Obama were to her right. I wish those “Feeling the Bern” would stop acting as if she’s the second coming of Richard Nixon.


Hey, that’s the same look I get … you know, anything Hillary. Let’s go with Shillary now that we’re entering the must be the season of the witch.

Let the equivocation commence! BOOYAH!

The Washington Post printed a piece about Bernie that echoes what I have been saying for a long time:


Nope. Won’t be possible. Not all the way.

I am for Bernie but I am glad to see HIllary take it to the man.

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I feel the Bern but agree with you. If Hill gets nominated, I will be a super supporter.


And it stinks on ice.


Come on Thunder, she’s Wall Street’s girl and you know it. Would love to be wrong as I have skin in the game with two Millennials.

Hillary is being a poor “Wall Street gal” : http://www.cnbc.com/2015/10/07/hillar-clinton-to-propose-tax-on-high-frequency-trading-in-wall-st-reform.html
Furthermore, after that young hedge fund jerk raised his drug’s cost by over 5,000% overnight, Hillary caused biotech stocks to correct after tweeting she would change the rules to prohibit greedy price increases: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-21/clinton-s-tweet-on-high-drug-prices-sends-biotech-stocks-down


You obviously didn’t understand what I wrote. Did you take time to draft your response, or did it come from something you already had canned?

I am genuinely happy that Hillary showed up at the event. My main criticism of Hillary is that she hadn’t been fighting back as her poll numbers declined.

I don’t think Bernie has a chance, but he is forcing Hillary left and he is going to have a great impact on the blue collar Republicans who are catching on to the scam the Republican money crowd has played on them.

Unlike others Bernie is energizing the base. That is something we need.

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So… Hillary tweets that she’ll put a few plans together, like right away.She sounds like the liberal she use to be those many years ago. Believe her if you want but this brand new “power to the people” Hillary sounds awfully suspicious.

“The growth of high-frequency trading has unnecessarily burdened our markets and enabled unfair and abusive trading strategies,” the aide said.

Clinton said at an Iowa campaign stop on Tuesday that she would lay out her plan to rein in Wall Street “abuses” within the next week.

“Price gouging like this in the specialty drug market is outrageous,” Clinton tweeted at 10:56 a.m. “Tomorrow I’ll lay out a plan to take it on.”

I know no such thing.
And neither do you.

You just delight in repeating Karl Rove’s lies about her.


The GOP base is going to have to learn to love whichever of the clowns they nominate, and trust me, they will. I hope all the Bernie supporters that heap scorn on Hillary Clinton will re-evaluate once she is the nominee. Otherwise, we might just end up with another GOP clown in the WH. Note to Ralph Nader voters. I’m lookin’ at you.

Come on Thunder, we both know she is indeed Wall street’s gal and I could easily build a case to prove it. But we also know even if I did it’s still BS to you. And that’s Ok … but watch out tonight as the media whores sharpen their knives with Cooper asking the opening question (in disbelief mode) about her support for reparations that she spoke about yesterday with a BLM spokesperson. YIKES! And make sure you have nothing in your hand to throw at the TV.