Discussion: Hillary Clinton Wins Nevada Caucus, Bolstering Her Argument Of Diverse Appeal

It’s far from over, but I think it’s fair to say that Bernie’s chances of actually winning the nomination, which were already very low, just got even lower. The chances of him pulling off an upset in SC already appeared extremely remote, even if he won NV today. With Hillary coming off a solid win tonight, and likely a much larger win in SC, Bernie stops looking like the underdog with momentum. He’d have to come back strong on Super Tuesday to really seize back the “momentum” narrative.


Classy, as always, ProfessorPoopypants. Any candidate is lucky to have you on their side and as a Hillary supporter I will be very happy to have you join us when you are ready. We are Democrats and we will come together to win this election in Nov. Go Dems.


There is no way to know for sure, but I am convinced the NYT is besieged by pseudo as well as real Sanders supporters any time it posts an article that is even mildly critical of Sanders. The comments to the latest Krugman article are an example.


I knew you would do it! Come on Super Tuesday!


Do you have to cut and paste for each post? Or, is there a signature capability in this system?

She won. Four points is a win. No push. No barely win. A win! Would younsay the same thing if Sanders won by 4 points?


And vice versa, krusher!


Can we stop talking about who wins these things and about the number of delegates allocated? Obviously super delegates skew things Clinton’s way, but going into today’s caucus Sanders was actually slightly ahead on allocated delegates, and today’s results aren’t going to change those numbers much–looks like it will probably end up with Clinton slightly ahead. Framing these races as “win” or “lose” is buying in to the horse race narrative, when the reality is that things are much closer.


Well, Bernie isn’t. Can’t speak for the Sandinistas.

The comments on the Krugman article and on some of his blog posts have been unbelievable–hysterical, vitriolic, childish. If they are actually revealing of the mindset of most Bernie supporters we are in some trouble. Hopefully, though, that’s not the case and I suspect it’s not


Hi! (wave) I’m one of Clinton’s supporters, and I really don’t think I’m a smug asshole. I hope not, anyway. I try not to be.


Very TeaParty-ish the way some people are behaving.


It’s pretty great to have the more unelectable candidate win.

For sure.

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Same thing is happening in the British press when anyone makes the slightest criticism of Jeremy Corbyn.
Edited to correctly spell Corbyn. (Damned Auto-correct)


Almost 80% in … Hillary 52.1 vs. Bernie 47.9


Not bad for California’s elbow.


You do have to cut and paste for each post. Apparently jw1 did contact TPM about the idea of a “badge” or “signature line” and someone responded and said they’d consider it. (I doubt they’ll do it though because that would be a big change in the comments, people would want badges for other things and would use the signature line for other things – some of which might be obnoxious/divisive and/or distractions from what’s being discussed.)

I just have it in a document on my desktop so that I can cut and paste it in when I feel like it. It’s actually two separate cut-and-pastes – the disclaimer and the logo. But it only takes a few seconds.

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This is a great day for Henry Kissinger and Lloyd Blankfein ! Kudos, Gentlemen.


Thanks for that. I was hoping for the lazy way … :smiley:

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Are you British by chance? Because I’m curious where the disconnect is there.

Is it a case of Corbin being the true representative of the Labour party versus the bulk of the MP’s who are Blairites, or what?