Discussion: Hillary Clinton Wins Nevada Caucus, Bolstering Her Argument Of Diverse Appeal

I love your disclaimer. May I borrow it? I promise I’ll take good care of it.


…and let’s pray that South Carolina puts that Right Wing Skanky Wanker, Ted Cruz on top or behind Trump-ing Oranguntan.


The vitriol so many of them have been directing at HRC is beyond the pale. Are these people really Democrats?


Interestingly, the exit polls appear to show Bernie may have won the majority of Latino votes today.

This would have been yuuuuuuge news if Bernie had won, or even near-tied Hillary overall today. Since he didn’t, it won’t be as big news. But I bet we’ll hear his campaign mention it once or twice.


Thanks. ProfessorPoopypants, Lestatdelc and jw1 are the three posters who schooled me on it.


Am I reading this right? Fewer than 10,000 people went to caucus. There are nearly 500,000 Democratic Party “active voters” in Nevada according to NV sec state.

I wrote the disclaimer and you’re more than welcome to use it whenever you like (or feel free to write your own, more creative one) The logo was jw1’s idea, and the design was Lestadelc’s and they have both said they’d love for people to use it. All you need to do is cut and paste.


They were entrance polls not exit polls. And, that appears to be inconsistent with her large lead in Clark County where the majority of the Latino population lives.


There IS a mindset for which that course of action makes sense. I do not have it. However, enough people do such that it had better be addressed before November 2016.

As you are doing, mentioning it as an issue is extremely important. We do NOT need any Naders either.


On to South Carolina, and then Trailer Tuesday.

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Thanks for the correction – the article I was looking at said “exit poll” but you’re right, they were referring to the NBC entrance poll. We’ll see what the exit polls show, assuming someone’s doing them.

I don’t think he’s toast at all. There’s a long fight ahead, and I think he’ll put up a very good fight. That said, I do hope Clinton wins the nom. But they’re both great candidates, and if Sanders wins, I will happily support him and vote for him…


Why would any democrat want Sen. Sanders over Ms. Clinton? This is not about ideology it’s about winning an election.


[Standard Disclaimer: This commenter wishes it to be known that in November he or she plans to vote for the Democratic nominee, whoever that turns out to be, and will encourage their fellow primary candidate supporters to do likewise.]


I know but she reported it just the opposite in her article.

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It was the same with Hillary supports who felt stung by the Obama win in '08. Hopefully we will all come together at the right time. Any Dem is better than the clowns who are running on the other side.


I absolutely hope you’re right that she’ll be president, but there’s still lots of bullets to sweat. Sanders is a fighter, and there are a lot of primaries to go still.

Thank you for that … I’ve been watching MSNBC all afternoon and didn’t think I’d heard anything about exit polls.

Far be it from me to correct the Professor until I could be certain. :smiley:


You’re replying to a comment that’s attacking Bernie supporters. You don’t see the irony in that?


The worst part of this is having to suffer the smug assholes that make up her supporters.