I thought Big Bill was classy and professional to the BLM protesters. He even invited the lady back to his hotel suite for a cigar afterwards.
Thank you, Ms. Clinton, for giving us the political consultant-drafted, advertising executive-reviewed, focus group-tested and survey response-approved answer. It is always good to learn your deeply held personal thoughts.
I know…I was hoping she’d stop suddenly, shudder, get a wide-eyed look, and yell out “BREAK UP THE BANKS!!”
It read more to me like a wife who didn’t want to throw her husband under the bus.
Maybe she should have just said, “campaign finance is evil and Wall Street has to be brought down now.” I bet that would have satisfied you.
That’s something I’d wholeheartedly agree with. I wish she would scream that from the rooftops. That and demanding that people start going to jail — and have their massive bonuses clawed back — for all these financial crimes. After all, to quote one of America’s preeminent statesmen, “Corporations are people too, my friend.”
President Clinton was right. It’s about time someone pointed out how hypocritical the BLM movement is. The 1994 crime bill, supported by 2/3 of African Americans in Congress, did not make people commit crimes. It is the refusal of BLM to deal with black on black violence that makes them have no credibility.
Shut your pie hole, PUMA!
Agree for what? Everybody with an ounce of sense knows it ain’t gonna happen. When asked “how” he’ll break up the banks, Bernie sounds just like Trump. He doesn’t have a clue how to do it, let alone a plan.
But if you’re into people promising a bunch of stuff that will never happen, then Sanders is your guy . . . or Trump.
BLM is one of those groups with which I totally or mostly agree (Greenpeace is another, so is PETA, Occupy Wall Street was one, and there are others), but which can really some times totally turn me off in their tactics.
Hillary Clinton is an ally, not an enemy. She ain’t perfect, but she’s most definitely an ally, and sometimes an active advocate for BLM aims. Most Republicans are enemies every day and in every way. So why are BLM demonstrators directing so much effort (and, sometimes, vitriol) at an ally (I’ve seen some of their signs at Hillary events), and so little to an enemy? Do they think that apparently contrarion demonstrating will get more press coverage?
To the “repliers” to my previous comment: When her words AREN’T expensively vetted, she comes out with such gems as: “I came under fire when we landed in Bosnia.” and “I helped solve the Northern Ireland crisis.” and “Chelsea was at the Towers on 9/11” and “All four of grandparents were immigrants.” (Nope-only one!) etc etc etc So she gets her money’s worth when they don’t allow her to speak extemporaneously. BTW, you can make your comments about Senator Sanders all day. 1) It doesn’t bother me. and 2) He has ALREADY won when one considers where he started, where SHE started, all the PAC money she is getting and so on. So snark away. (I won’t read any more anyway.)
Nothing would have satisfied the Bernie supporters.
Will you said that when it comes to the nomination, i.e. that he has already won. Look, I like Bernie but this nitpicking of every word is really tiring. I don’t know what she was supposed to say about her husband’s meltdown the other day, but she could ask him to not lose his temper on the road.
It’s the purity factor you know with the far left? They never fucking learn
When Bernie’s words are vetted, when Bernie’s words aren’t vetted he comes out with gems like, “we must break up the banks,” “Wall Street is evil,” “SuperPACs are the anti-Christ”.
When Bernie is asked what he had for dinner, he responds “income equality is the greatest problem in the history of the earth.”
When Bernie is asked where he went to high school, he says, “we need campaign finance reform.”
With all due respect, I do not agree that BLM is hypocritical and what makes you think they don’t deal with black on black violence every day. BLM is an activist group who felt there was no other way to deal with the almost daily murdering of young black men by police. I personally think it is a good cause. I don’t always agree with their methods but they would never be heard unless they made noise.
An inspiring slogan. Maybe HRC should adopt it.
Or maybe she already has.
Right you are alansnipes! Throw them all in jail … and then we’ll sort through it all, keep the Super Predators incarcerated and let the rest go back home. Treat the symptoms, no time for the causes.