Discussion: Hillary Clinton Rents Office Space, But It's Not Campaign Headquarters

Discussion for article #226037

Ugh, so sick of her. Wish she would just open up a charity to focus on issues she cares about and skips running for president. Her statements on foreign policy lately have been too far to the right, but if she runs we are stuck with this neocon as our nominee.

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Hillary Clinton Rents Office Space

Actual office space, or the movie? I’d be more impressed with the latter.


Umm she and her husband have opened up a charity…back in 2001. It’s called the Clinton Foundation and they’ve raised hundreds of millions.


Loved Office Space, never saw Campaign Headquarters.

Is it good?

It’s her husband’s charity but if she wants to work with it or start her own that’s great. Get her the hell away from U.S. politics. She’s too old to be president, her foreign policy views are horrible, and I am sick of both the Clintons and their stranglehold they have on the Dem Party.

Is UFG pulling your strings?


I hope this scheduled move, like the Mo Brooks flip out, annoys the hell out of the GOP, wet hens and crowing roosters.

Get off the pity pot. You could be stuck with Mitt Romney as president. Remember you guys and gals stuck us with W and the band of neocons in 2000.

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UFG??? Universidade Federal de Goiás ???

No, it’s not. It’s THEIR foundation. That’s why the name was changed from the William J. Clinton Foundation to the Clinton Foundation. And what sense would it make for her to start a separate foundation? So, they can compete for donors?

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It’s to store all those cans of Whupass she’s going to open in the 2016 debates.