Hillary Trolls Trump.
Fox News demands to know how much the hat cost and can they get a discount?
This proves that Hillary colluded with Russia. They even gave her a hat.
Wrong move, Hillary.
Fox News will give “Hatgate” 24/7 coverage as proof that she colluded with Putin…
Am I the only one who thinks “embarrassing” when I see this?
You mean as in ‘not my fault’?
Trump will ask Putin: Did you give Hillary the hat?
Trump later: “He told me he totally did not give her the hat. How many times am I gonna ask him?”
Hillary can be a very different person when she’s not under constant catch-22 scrutiny. This kind of thing would have obviously disqualified her for office if she’d done it any time before 2017.
I dunno about that, it is funny and one of her image problems was seeming very humorless.
Good to see her smiling.
I would have preferred a signed confession from Putin that he colluded with trump on that rigged election.
I saw and heard a great, patriotic speech by the one person who has both the right and the responsibility to warn the country about Trump and the threatening dictatorship that Trumpism portends. She has the right and the responsibility, because she - and basically she alone - warned the country during the 2016 election campaign about Trump. And she decisively won the election among the American people. But as dangerous as Trump is, the country has more to fear from people like you who denigrate those who are standing up to impending threats than to those threats themselves.
That is a lot of assumptions to make about someone who supported Hillary, voted for Hillary, and has been a Democrat for his entire life. My point was not that Hillary is embarrassing (she isn’t), but what does strike me as embarrassing is making jokes about something that she, of all people, knows is probably one of the most serious threats to our democracy in modern times. I think she could use her platform to better effect. Maybe she was victimized by the story and taken out of context - I don’t know. Certainly it happens to her all of the time. I did ask a very simple question because that was the first emotion I felt when I saw the story. I will do you the favor of not making any over the top assumptions about what you think or feel.
Very sorry that I misunderstood what you were driving at. I thought you were saying that you found Hillary and her speech embarrassing. If I was wrong about that, I totally apologize. As to the Russian hat, I thought that was funny and self deprecatingly charming. I guess you didn’t. Not something to argue about.