Discussion: Hillary Clinton On Nice Attack: ‘We Will Not Be Intimidated’ By Terrorists

Clearly, it was.

It was wonton murder, a sign of desperation. Such people cannot take over the world, because almost every man, woman, and child ever born is horrified by such behavior.

Donald, on the other hand, claims these people are winning. For him, aggression works, and therefore they are succeeding. He says the way to stop them is to make government more powerful, more aggressive. To let bureaucrats intrude more into people’s lives, so they can know what we’re all doing, and determine if we’re doing the right thing.


Terrorism is one of those problems where the brave, noble thing is also the best, most practical option. Becoming an authoritarian police state will bring less security, not more. We’d be throwing away our values for nothing.


Indeed. Russia used the authoritarian method counterproductively for decades. I have wondered whether the lack of terrorist problems in Russia in recent years is because Putin has been paying them to attack elsewhere.


This is what ‘terror’ truly is. It is the most vulgar and inhumane of all tactics.

Hillary’s approach sounds about right to me. Dummy bush got us into this mess with his wannabe cowboy ways and that simple yet foolish mistake has brought on all this and gained nothing.

We have smart TV’s and phones now, we shouldn’t be fighting a dumb war.


America hasn’t issued a formal declaration of war since December 1941. That isn’t how we go to war anymore. O’Reilly knows that such a formal declaration means we actually have to fight until a defined enemy is defeated. We could beat Isis militarily in a few days, but that would just make things worse. They would just return to fighting an insurgency and we would be bled further.

We need leaders with some smarts. Slogans don’t get 'er done in the middle east.

If we ever declare war on Isis, we have done what Isis wants us to do.


Pretty sure Trump meant that the way to stop them is to make The Donald stronger.


One question, why are you bothering with billo?

Come on, there are no votes there. You are wasting your time and breath on him.

If we were to declare war on ISIS/ISIL, we would–implicitly at least–be recognizing it as a state. A state of war can only exist between states.

Inconvenient bit of legalism for Trumper and Bill-o.


Stalin said that the purpose of terrorism is to terrorize. And the first step to fighting terrorism is not to permit ourselves to be terrorized.

But that is not enough. To “defeat” the terrorists, they need to be deprived of oxygen–the conditions in France and Belgium (in particular, but not only there) that rob young Muslims of hope, that make them feel that they are not included in society, and that makes them fuel for the extremists. Interestingly, Germany, which has absorbed far more Muslim immigrants for decade (principally Turks), has had far fewer instances of so-called Islamic-extremist terror. It may not be entirely unrelated to that that Germany’s favorite take-out food for some years has been doner kebab. (That’s a trivial example, but still telling.)


Totally agree, but we have been all about declaring wars on ideas, food groups and recreational drugs for so long that most politicians don’t understand that real wars only happen between identifiable states.

This headline is not great for quick glance get on the plane stuff Hillary Clinton On Nice Attack: ‘We Will Not Be Intimidated’ By Terrorists as if it could be Hillary Clinton On Beautiful Attack, Really Cute Attack. These things occupy my mind/

How long before Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Hillary Clinton (presumptive), Janet Reno, and Christine Lagarde are collectively referred to as the new Ghostbusters? I admit I am delighted. Plenty of green slime to go around.

Let us actually BE The Home of the Brave

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Yes, fear is a betrayal of the faith on which the nation was founded: somehow the Bible thumpers never get around to that, and have been all too ready to stoke and use fear. If they’re so faithful, why are they so cravenly afraid?

Fearfulness is Godly - Proverbs 14:27 “The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, that one may turn away from the snares of death” Of course, maybe they know where they are headed in their eschatology.

Fear of the Lord, fine, if that is how one wants to roll, but that is not the same as fear of one’s neighbor, or of racial and ethnic diversity. At the rate we are going, the Lord is likely to open up a can of whoop-ass on us, as the great Jerry Clower would have said.

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