Discussion for article #239340
The question remains, will Folks try to use this to say Clinton handles BLM better?
Or will the role of the secret service be acknowledged? How about the less public aspect of the interaction? The clear lessons from negative reaction to the Seattle (supposed) BLM learned by Boston BLM?
I doubt it will.
(about as much attention as will be given here about the poll showing Bernie ahead in NH, yes I know, 1 poll, but still worthy of note)
Well, good for her and Bernie too. I know the media wants this to be about how this is dividing the Democratic party somehow, but I don’t see it that way. I see it as a net benefit in that Dems are the only ones looking to open themselves up to the ideas of #BLM and the concerns they have. It may come off as awkward now, but it will strengthen the party overall. And Bernie did come up with a way to address #BLM after the initial confrontation on stage in Seattle…which is all to the good.
There’s a long way to go but we have to keep in mind, there are many constituencies that want their issues addressed by the big tent Democratic Party I believe. Its natural for there to be a lot of jockeying for attention to that power structure, until each group feels they are being heard and taken seriously.
Every politician knows to kiss the crying baby.
[edit: On re-reading, this may sound dismissive, or even racist. Sorry. What I meant was that every politician knows how to please the big crowd by giving a little attention to any little crowd distraction, even if no long-term solution for that distraction is intended.
“She was not willing to concede that the inherent anti-blackness in the policies that were enacted to address problems is the cause of the problems we have today,” Jones told the magazine.
Well…they might have contributed, but if there were not problems in the first place, we wouldn’t have needed to address the problems. Maybe the problems are the cause of the problems.
““She was not willing to concede that the inherent anti-blackness in the policies that were enacted to address problems is the cause of the problems we have today,” Jones told the magazine.”
WTF? Is that just a veiled way of regurgitating the GOP/Teatroll brain-damage about social assistance programs being "welfare slavery?
Absolutely, And BLM knows that if they don’t force the issue, it will be pushed under the table again. I am glad it is happening now and am optimistically hoping it will become part of the platform. Polls show that more people now believe the police brutality of blacks is out of control and something has to be done.
Good point. SS would have made a big difference for Bernie, events and coverage.
With any talk of broken media serious journalists always get the hurt feelings that never plague the corrupted but with media it isn’t so much the apples as it is the barrel, individual stinky rotters notwithstanding.
The GOP is in such a clusterfuck of genuine panic over Donald Trump dividing the Republican Party, especially their elites, that the only thing the media can do right now to switch attention off their fuckuptitude, and employ an old trope that the Democratic Party is dividing itself over (fill in the blank) with #BLM the flavor of the month, as a way to offer a false equivalency…That, or regress to old Benghazi email narratives over Clinton’s server and some nefarious plot by the Clintonistas at this time.
It’s not just the media… The “it’s Hillary’s turn” types here and elsewhere are pretty bad too.
Look, I support Bernie. I just support Hillary less. But both take a back seat to ensuring a Democrat in '16.
To supporters of either, debate is good for us, it need not be nasty. If Bernie can’t beat Hillary in the primary,then he shouldn’t be our nominee, and very much vise versa(probably more so,given her name recognition).
Bernie supporters know it’s a hard road to fight the DNC and the media who both want Hillary as the nominee. Hillary/Bernie supporters should want a contentious primary as she/he would be stronger in the end for it.
DWS/DNC covering for Hillary by late debates does us no favors.
Real is the deal. Too smooth, you loose.
Excellent point on the “turn” thing, to overuse a Bushism. It’s another near occasion of JEB.
What was left out of the TPM version was that Black Lives Matter got there late. Because of Secret Service SOP, the doors are closed after Ms. Clinton has arrived in the hall/meeting room.
Because the former secretary of state and first lady has Secret Service protection, her events are typically sealed once she enters the building — and the group of activists apparently did not make it to the event by that time. They were standing under a tent outside the school doors as the event began, but eventually made it into the building to watch in the side room.
[For completeness]
My opinion is that one Is better but both are better than repub…
Editted as your response was clarified
Ditto. I need to see strength and gusto for the job and life…you know, presidenting, that certainly of self, even nascent in the klieg lights.
Hillary Clinton is a strong black woman!
My people are always fucking late. We’ve got to do better.
…similarly to the movement’s actions at a campaign rally for Democratic candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in Seattle.
The event BLM interrupt in Seattle wasn’t a Sanders’ campaign rally, it was a rally about Social Security and Medicare where Sanders was a guest speaker. Commentators have pointed this out repeatedly in every article on the topic.
“She was not willing to concede that the inherent anti-blackness in the policies that were enacted to address problems is the cause of the problems we have today,” Jones told the magazine.
It would also be helpful if you would tell your readers what policies and problems the BLM leaders and Hilary discussed. Are we talking policies governing the police? Minimum sentencing laws? Social Security? What? The quote as provide minus all context is pretty much worthless. Now if I go to the original New Republic article it becomes clear they are talking about certain criminal justice policies from the eighties and nineties, but if TPM is going to report on that quote I shouldn’t have to go to an entire different news organization to get that context.
It is an ommision, TPM standards have been better…
That said, I’m not sure, their arrival time would have changed much regarding their ability to grab the Mic as was done to Bernie (again, secret service, but also candidate control of the event)
Apples and oranges
No. You only pay attention when we’re late. You never notice when we’re on time or early.
I doubt they would have been able to have gotten on the stage, much less within microphone range.