Discussion: Hillary Clinton Makes Her Most Direct Appeal Yet To Utah's Mormon Voters

I came across something the other day saying he owned radio advertising and that Hillary wasn’t doing much there. Any radio listeners out there that have a feel for this? Also, there is the Hillarybot ad.

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Has there ever been an example of a presidential nominee who has provided anywhere near this much ammunition to their opponent?

I can’t think of one.

That’s my view also. Hillary is certainly far from the most charismatic candidate nor does she have the most creative, exciting campaign. But both the candidate and her staff are obviously highly intelligent, extremely competent, strategic, careful, well-organized, and so on. I see the Clinton campaign as more steamroller than sports car – not real exciting, but whatever you do, don’t get in the way.


Go back to Hillary’s 2000 senate race. She went to places upstate that are quite similar to parts of Ohio, Indiana and her birthplace of Illinois and was well received. Her outreach to Utahans makes perfect sense. Shades of Howard Dean’s 50 state strategy.

Radio could reach some of his voters and get them to turn out. Would it convert any others?

I dunno. An awful lot of people listen to radio all day at work or any time they’re driving. Companies don’t spend their money on radio advertising because it’s a worthless medium. I have to assume it’s effective, and lord knows the commercials are repetitive and never-ending.

Guess in part I’m asking what is the ideological spectrum of the places where he is advertising?

LOL! Again, I do not know. That’s why I asked if anyone had a feel for this or knew anything about it. Perhaps it’s time we ask the google machine if it knows.

Here’s the most recent.


Second one has maps.
Last one has figures:
But in the period from July 29-Aug. 7, Media Monitors says 69 radio spots were run by the USA Business Freedom PAC. Another 31 spots aired courtesy of the Liberty Action Group PAC, a group out of Austin, TX that also supports the Republican nominee. In that same period, the Clinton campaign—and her supporting super PACs—ran no radio ads. Her name, however, was certainly advertised quite a bit—239 times, in fact, by anti-Hillary group the Great America PAC.

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