Except that Trump doesn’t have any money to speak of and isn’t running a lot of ads as long as he keeps getting so much coverage. He’ll just go there and make a speak about how he loves the mormon people, best people in the country, the women are so beautiful it’s no surprise all the men want to marry a dozen of them.
He has 5 days to collect 1,000 signatures and get his paperwork filed in order to be on the ballot in Utah. Its one of those tasks that it doesn’t matter how much money you throw at it, Time is now the key resource.
I am extremely skeptical he pulls it off.
Even if Hillary doesn’t win Utah, she can help flip a House seat back to the Dems. Rep. Mia Love is in a very tight race there and can easily be beaten.
Agreed. The latest poll still has Trump winning by double digits, though Johnson is doing much better there than he is in any other polls I have seen. (Trump 37, Hillary 25, Johnson 16, Other 14, Stein 1, Undecided 7)
Hillary isn’t going to dedicate the time or resources to chasing this down, nor should she. An op-ed costs nothing and is mostly aimed at teasing the Trump campaign.
Likewise, I doubt Trump will expend any resources on Utah either. He will post the worst showing on any republican in modern history, but he will still win it.
Laying Low is the proper strategy at this time.
As Napoleon said; "When the enemy is making a false movement we must take good care not to interrupt him.”
Or, in a shorter statement by Obama: “Please Proceed Governor.”
How dare you!? Young Mormons do not share their Johnsons!
Excellent points–every vote helps in NV and AZ!
I can tell you that I was raised in Mormon country and Mormons are great at organizing their folks to get things done. His headquarters are in SLC and my guess is that they had 1,000 signatures lined up before he even threw his hat in the ring. But, we’ll know for sure by next Monday if he was able to pull it off.
I agree. This is a very unique case – Mormons find Donald Trump particularly abhorrent. And in spite of this, Trump will likely win the state anyway, just not by the margin Republican Presidential candidates are used to putting up here.
If the Republican nominee were Ted Cruz or any of the other GOP primary candidates, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
That would be the only way he could pull it off. Which means its a single state candidacy.
Looking at the polling I provided upstream here, my guess would be he is the 14% “Other”. If he pulls in more voters, I would expect it to be slightly more Trumpers, but not by much more, as he will pull in “holding my nose and voting Hillary” people too. Very doubtful he would pull in enough to toss the election either way, or garner the EVs himself, however.
This will also help shore up a few more votes in California. The more she gets in these corners of the market, the less of an impact Jill Stein will have. Not that I’m really concerned with Stein, but I’d love to see Hillary pull in a titanic load of votes – and, yes, some of those more conservative than myself. Those folks need to learn to trust Democrats again. Not the nutty socially-extremes, but the ones who really would be willing to sit down at the kitchen table and discuss things, try to come up with workable solutions, etc. Hillary is very good at this – and I feel that if they take a chance, they might be pleasantly surprised at the results.
That’s just it, though. He isn’t running any ads or have any ground game anywhere. He’s finally bringing in money, but he’s not spending any of it.
Ha ha, before I moved here in 2000 (from Ohio) the only time I had heard the acronym “LDS” was from Star Trek IV.
It is actually quite an interesting place, though admittedly my Presidential vote is more or less disenfranchised. There are sure a lot fewer political ads here!
I have seen a few older clips of Trump using the “MF” bomb repeatedly – those will go a long way to turning off Republican voters here.
It is revenue to him, like all the deposits he got from Trump U students. And I thought he was “self funding” his campaign.
Which makes one wonder if he’s (through some family-related outfit) not pocketing it.
Anyone know if there is a legal limit he can pay in consulting fees to Ivanka? Or to his bestest bigly advisor, his very good brain?
I wouldn’t be surprised if HRC does better in Utah than she polls. I’ve got a feeling there are a lot of Mormon women who won’t admit publicly that they want to vote for her.
He’s running a long con.
Mormonism and Trumpism are like white pants and diarrheaism, you don’t stain your good side with your bad side.
Mormons are reliably ® voters due to religion but of all the charades and faux beliefs that Trump attempts to pull off, being religious is not one of them that he can.
The Financial Church of Trump isn’t recognized outside of Trumpistan.
The Mormons have some very deep beliefs that they won’t sacrifice for Party, unlike evangelicals that can’t be separated from the Party.
Plus, they know if they support Trump, the quid pro quo would be schlepping the, gaudy not godly, golden Trump idol high atop the Mormon Tabernacle.
That shit won’t fly!