Discussion: Hillary Clinton Is Trying To Tell You What Her 2016 Platform Will Be

Guess what else Hillary’s platform will be. Obamacare, and the continued advancement of it. 6 years ago that alone would’ve been about enough. No more neocons and affordable healthcare we have achieved, it’s progressive time and that means making our achievements better and working on more.

No one ever seems to mention Bill’s influence and his personal projects as the first, first dude. Hillary went for Hillarycare, Michelle Obama is doing obesity awareness and children’s health. Bill, Mr. Balance the Budget, will be awesome in his role and will rip the hearts out of the already insane Republicans.

There is so much good to be had. Everyone enjoy it, everyone!


UFG has a link in the post that shows the differences between Warren and Clinton. That might be a place to start.

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Vague, very vague. You go into great detail regarding your fear mongering, with those red lettered linky things and full blown sarcasm.

Tell us all the good, all the positives and why Hillary is incapable of any of those.

BTW, how do you really know exactly what a President Warren would do when hit with the realities of the office? Does obstruction seem real, how about pressure from the MIC or everything that Obama deals with daily. She has a great heart but those get stabbed in Washington.
Besides, isn’t Elizabeth Warren in the perfect place right now?

Please back up your claims regarding Warren the same as you do with Hillary, is that fair?


I’m not listening to Hillary Clinton. I wish she’d fade into the sunset.


Really!!! This is the week the world is paying attention to climate change and rallying around the globe. The mainstream corporate media will give it at best cursory mention. We need to make this front and center.

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Elizabeth Warren? You mean the “Native American” who supports Israel at the expense of the Palestinians? That Elizabeth Warren? She, like Hillary, recognizes one thing: the only voters who matter are white voters. Even President Obama figured that much out by focusing on the main issue of white America: security. At home, he stayed silent about civil unrest in Ferguson (while using Holder as his surrogate) because whites’ biggest fear is a black uprising. Abroad, he is willing to go to war against ISIS. Nothing else matters.

Especially if breathing is important to you. Repubs love to abuse the EPA which makes me think they don’t care about clean air, water or healthy food.


If only she brought forward some policies - I would reconsider.

That link supports UFGs stance but is not, of course, indicative of HRCs present or even her later positions on NAFTA.

Do a search, almost every article you see is from 2008. It’s now 2014.

I’m interested in her current thinking not what she thought or voted for six years ago.


Hell, in 1992 I was an Army Officer and a Republican. Does that mean I’m still an Army Officer and Republican today??


The article is good but the headline is atrocious. If framing is important in Democratic politics here, you guys need to try harder imo.

Now onto the substance…I loved this line,

“Forget about a glass ceiling,” Clinton said Thursday. “These women don’t even have a secure floor under them.”

Its catchy and has the added benefit of being true. The rest of her words so far I’ve heard before and I consider standard rhetoric on getting ahead, the middle-class, and workers.

I hope she resists the idea of proposing a jobs program to deal with the problems of under-employment and inequity in the workforce. Personally, I hate when politicians do that. What I tend to hear is they have small ideas to create stability in the economy, to help people get ahead when I hear that. I see that as typically reflexive and often disingenuous when it comes to politicians of all stripes.

What I would like to see from a candidate is a willingness to go after monopolistic enterprise in this country, that keeps those at the top raking it in while those at the bottom are treated to the crumbs of their hard earned labor. So propose busting up the corporate monopolies in this country if this is truly another Gilded Age…which it is. Whoever has the courage of their convictions to do that as President, without worrying where their campaign money will come from next, will be a winner in my book. That’s when I’ll believe the candidate is serious, HRC or anyone else for that matter. Who’ll have the guts to take on the banks, telecommunications, the energy sector, BigAg and BigPhrma? That’s what we need to do domestically. Next, I’d like to see someone willing to fight for the right of workers to unionize, especially low-paying workers.

Those are the progressive values I want to see my candidate fight for changing. Its what we see everyday as the problem with government, the complacency and the avoidance of dealing with the problems that are as plain as the nose on my face. Why not address it head-on this time? That would be completing the economic recovery we’ve all been waiting for.


I agree with that, Sooner. People grow, evolve and change and we should keep current. Even George Wallace, that ardent segregationist, gave up that hateful ideology and became much more understanding. I was only trying to show that in UFG’s case there was a link offered.

Damn straight, Sir! Less shouting, and more effective action!

Well yes, just think of the winters in the North lately. Never mind the ocean waters, they too far to count.

There is one great reason why her “message” is not resonating. That is because most of the population is tired of her type of policy crap, her third way DINO mentality, and her refusal to take any hard position on a difficult issue.

The only place where her selection and appointment to the White House is a lock is within the Bloatway, where the Stalking Heads play with each other and their identical “conventional wis-dumb” and claim to know everything that needs to be known.


I think the New York Times would be considered the mainstream corporate media and this link will take you to its front page coverage which is anything but cursory.


“If You Listen, Hillary Is Trying To Tell You What Her 2016 Message Will Be”

If we listen? Seems to me the author isn’t listening very well. The message I heard of late is:

Yeah, pajama-wearing retards, I’m a hawk, and I’m right

The message of justifying Clinton’s hawkish stance was forwarded on two fronts. Both her husband Big Dog and their stooge Leon Panetta chimed in with perfect harmony this past week that in spite of their recommendations and those of John McCain, Obama didn’t arm the Syrian rebels, and that it was a mistake to not do it.

So while Obama got a lot of mileage out of being against the war in the first place, you all need to listen to Aunt Hillary when she’s speaking on behalf of keeping the economy lubricated with oil. If only Obama had listened to Hillary all those years ago, none of this would have happened…

Interestingly, however, no pictures from 2013 of McCain promising the head of ISIL support were shown by either Big Dog or Lap Dog during their statements, and no verbal indication was provided as to how Aunt Hillary would recommend we determine which of these moderate extremists are on our side (yeah, right) and worthy of our training and provision of lethal hardware.


Hopefully, no one is noticing Hillary Clinton’s message because they’re preoccupied with the election that is a little over a month away.

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Hillary has flipped on TPP? It was just two years back.


All of those are worthy goals SR, and I would fight like hell for any candidate who ran on those ideas and principles.

Unfortunately, I don’t see Ms. Clinton doing that. Lip service perhaps, but nothing more. She’s a full-fledged member of the 0.1% now.

Can she change her mind, her positions? Certainly. But she would have to do that explicitly, and I won’t buy what she’s selling unless she does.

Didn’t we learn anything from the election of PBO? Yes, yes, go ahead and school me in all his (real) accomplishments. I understand. But personally, I miss the rhetoric of candidate Obama; President Obama is much more considerate of the status quo, to the detriment of 99.9% of Americans.

And again, my standard disclaimer: I would vote for her over any of the occupants of the Konservative Klown Kar I can think of, but I would really prefer to vote without holding my nose.

YoU Can’T couNT to FOUR, LIBtard? There IS THe AtLANTic, PAciFic, INdiaN, and ArCTIC, OceaNs.