Discussion: Hillary Clinton: GOP Candidates 'Seem To Be Talking Only About Me'

Discussion for article #235501

ā€œThere is only one thing worse than being talked about, that is not being talked aboutā€ (after Oscar Wilde)


Hilary can run on the dual tracks of success that her husband and Obama delivered. Bill delivered a surplus and full employment and Barack has moved those markers even farther than Bill ( he just started in a deeper hole)


"Hillary Clinton: GOP Candidates ā€˜Seem To Be Talking Only About "

Also seem to have a lock on every TV station.faux news ? They are your biggest sponsors,they seem to be helping you out in a strange sort of way with their angst about you Hillary.

The thing about Repuglicans is that you can manipulate them to do whatever you want. They are so easily led around by their noserings, itā€™s ridiculous. I almost feel sorry for them being so stupid.


They have got to fill the giant void left from their own lack of ideas, and accomplishments with something.


They donā€™t want to discuss issues, they desperately want to regain that elusive ā€œPermanent Republican Majorityā€ that Rove bragged about, and sadly for them, that will never be a reality.


They got nothing elseā€¦


And itā€™s only going to get worse before it gets thoroughly intolerable. As the GOP touts their sideshow array of totally unelectable presidential candidates and another 1/4 of the base dies of old age by the next election cycle, the kicking and thrashing over Hillary is going to to be epic and pathetic. Buckle your seat belts.


Easy there HRCā€¦they are also spending a lot of time talking about/running against the sitting President. HRC has to watch her ego.

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Even when sheā€™s gone, theyā€™ll be talking about her.

They got nothing elseā€¦

And I think thatā€™s what going to sink them [Republicans]. Nobody under 40 remembers the 90s unless it involved a Super Nintendo and a pair of Rollerblades. And things like Benghazi are mostly viewed as a shameful exploitation of a tragedy to anybody outside of the conspiracy theory crowd. But thatā€™s really all they have. They sure as hell arenā€™t capable of running on a positive note involving realistic policy.


Thereā€™s also the spectre of Randal using retreads of Chris Rock routines from the 90s as he did when he talked about HRC needing another plane for baggage. Rock said then JLo needed a second limo for her butt, so evidently Randal stored it away until the right time to use itā€¦


Poor Barack Obama . . . pretty soon, everyone who spent eight years freaking out that he was going to destroy America with his death panels and his ISIS friends and his gay weddings will forget all about him . . .

Republicans are the gift that keeps on giving to the Democrats.

HEY, letā€™s give them something to talk aboutā€¦OF course they wonā€™t but thatā€™s their loss our gain,
Put a SOCK in the mouths of Corporate Americanā€¦YOU AINā€™T PEOPLE TOO.
CAMPAIGN REFORMā€¦get big BUCKS out of our election process.

STOP Corporate WELFARE, NO MORE Corporate entitlement.

TERM LIMITS, just as the President of United States can only serve upto eight years, the same rule should apply to other two branches of our Government.

The only place Republicans can take our country is BACK. Sorry, but weā€™ve been there done that. It didnā€™t work then and it wonā€™t work now. The Republicans are NOT builders, they want to DESTROY our countryā€¦

United we stand, divided we fall.