Trump: Why isnt someone locking her up? BANNON!
I heard she did this speech for free.
Only kidding.
Go ahead April:
“No we don’t have that”
No, repeat the facts. … I’m sorry that disgusts you. Stop shaking your head." Everyone agrees there is no story.
Nice to see you Secretary. No place I’d rather be.
I love how she’s become a troll for the right. She may not be in office, but she can still haunt the GOP
I was contemplating where we would be now if she had won.
Mitch would be busy telling us how they were going to make her a one term president
Trump would have sued saying the election was “rigged”
Chaffetz and Goudy would be starting BENGHAZI! 7.0
They would have started impeachment for sure
Obamacare repeals 62 through 83 would have occurred already.
The senate would be busy filibustering Garland or Hill’s pick
Just idle thoughts of a confused mind
No, you’re right on this.
The Clinton’s always have and always will haunt the GOP. Even in defeat they hate her as if she had won. It’s weird.
BAh. TrumP haS an idEa fOr an Obamacare dEaL. AnD it’s aN easY one. TrumP knoWS HOW TO Make deaLs. Losers.
Because the Clintons are a constant reminder of how excellence can come from the lower class while being born to wealth and privilege cannot cover up mediocrity
Funny how the Repubs are more effective when they’re out of power. Effective in disruption, opposition, obfuscation, and misc tantrums.
Good to see Hilz back!
Mr O, you sure you want to sit this out?
Thinking of what we could have had and what we actually have now… and it leaves me deeply astounded.
Glad to see her getting back up again…
Not funny.
…would have kicked $24 million people…
Eye luv spel chequers!
Oh, great. Only Ds would applaud the political resurrection of a candidate whose lack of electoral competence helped get us into the mess we’re in today.
Oh, great. Only someone like you would decide that this is a “political resurrection” and throw stones instead of addressing what she said.