Discussion: Hillary Clinton Calling New Book 'What Happened'

“Now free from the constraints of running, Hillary takes you inside the intense personal experience of becoming the first woman nominated for president by a major party in an election marked by rage, sexism, exhilarating highs and infuriating lows, stranger-than-fiction twists, Russian interference, and an opponent who broke all the rules,” according to Simon & Schuster.

Sorry, no more money for hucksterism! Spent it all on Trump University and Trump Steaks!

Trump’s next book will be called “The Art of the Kill: How I Destroyed a 241-year-old Republic and Laughed All The Way To The Bank.” (With forward by Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity.)


I can already hear people crying about her refusing to be a bystander

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Well, this should be interesting.

Or not.

might be too painful to read. I mean, she can’t reveal classified knowledge, so what will we learn except what we already discovered about the anger, misogyny, and disfunction of our society and electorate?

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And ghost written (of course: donnie couldn’t write an essay, much less a book) by The Mooch and Carter Page. Carter’s already got reams of material, and he’s had congress and the FBI proof reading it for him.

Just got hold of an advanced copy. Here it is:

I wasted three years making more money than I needed from people my voting base hates instead of going around the United States and making sure that people who voted for Obama would vote for me too. I failed to develop firmly grounded positions that I could stick to throughout a primary and a general campaign without tacking starboard and port so I could catch what Robby Mook said were the prevailing winds. I did not go to Michigan, Wisconsin, and anywhere in Pennsylvania except Philadelphia to get the traditionally Democratic vote out. The Russian thing did not help, but basically, I f-----d up. Sorry.

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a more appropriate title would be: "What happened?"

Or What the Fuck Happened?

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The buck shouldn’t even take a breath let alone stop here.

So you think that Clinton telling her own story and trying to analyze the Russian debacle is hucksterism. If you don’t want to hear her pov, don’t buy the book, but your glib dismissal is trashy and ignorant.

You forgot to mention the idiot Bernie bros who were too “pure” to help save our democracy.

Interesting book release date of September 12th. Make that a metaphor of your choice.

I would not read for entertainment value, but I do think it will be of historical value. Even if it were from a point of view you might not feel empathetic towards, it will be a document of an unprecedented and eventful campaign and national security crisis. We’re all living it now – but generations will be studying “what happened” long after all of us are dead and buried.