Discussion: Hill Republicans Get Comfy With Their Once Rogue Nominee

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ā€œYou just go on Doctor Oz and they lap that shit up! For reelz.ā€


It seems to me that Conway has turned Trumpā€™s campaign around.
Of course I donā€™t like to say that, but he is clearly more disciplined than before. Apparently her ability to talk to people at the level of an 11 year old helped.
I canā€™t wait for the debates.

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The golden days of comedy

21st-century version
<img src=ā€œhttp://a1.img.talkingpointsmemo.com/image/upload/c_fill,fl_keep_iptc,g_faces,h_365,w_652/q5mzqzalcdscqedyuqfb.jpgā€ width=325


Since every GOP clown running in the primaries basically AGREED with Trump, then the GOP show against Trump has always been a lie. Strictly for the rubes to buy.


Wrong direction, Republicans.

But itā€™s not like you give a damn.


First, Iā€™m skeptical about this new narrativeā€“that Trump has dialed down the stupidities and is showing ā€˜discipline.ā€™ He still says something every few days that would disqualify HRC if she said it. Second, if he has, itā€™s good news for Hillary and the few legitimate journalists out there. It reduces the fog of war and creates an opening for a sustained narrative about Hillaryā€™s plus pointsā€“and I would suggest the amazing work that the Clinton Foundation has done, and a comparison with the Trump Foundationā€“and for HRCā€™s campaign to drive the news for just one second. Please step forward, the Invisible Safe Pair of Hands, and get into the news for once. Iā€™m sick of seeing Mike Pence everywhere. And also step forward, Elizabeth Warren. Somebody take advantage of this lull while it lasts.


Like the sun rising in the east, Drumpf will once again go rogue, off-teleprompter, psychotic, whatever you want to call it.

Itā€™s what he isā€¦


Time to get busy, people. We have a fight on our hands. Tell the Nice Folks who want us to be polite about Donald Trump because ā€œboth sidesā€ to smarten up already. Thereā€™s a slo-mo coup going on and if we donā€™t get busy weā€™ll see a quick end to the American experiment.

Clearly expecting Pence to 'assume the position"ā€¦

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This apparently is a common misconception that the republican elite have issue with trump because heā€™s a horrible human being generally, is proudly racist, authoritarian, thin skinned, has no self control or filter, is utterly unqualified for a job as critical as this and canā€™t at all be trusted with any real power whatsoever.

None of that apparently bothers them, itā€™s simply that he might hurt their electoral chances. Thereā€™s no principle here, just simple self-interest driving them.


Cowards, all of them, cowards!!


Two things: One, they, like much of America, are getting inured to his bullshit, so his daily disqualifying statements seem ordinary. Two, his poll numbers are better. They donā€™t give a damn about anything else.


Talk about braying jackasses. Are they trying to hijack the Democratā€™s Donkey mascot?

The GOP keeps zigging when it should zag. Right now, if they turned their support down-ballot, they could still save many Senate and House seats. But instead, with just enough polling success to kindle faint hope, they stick with Donald. Next month, when he tanks in the debates, it will be too late. All will be lost.

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Too late ā€“ Ben Carson beat them to it while filling the pyramids with grain.


Liars and scam artistsā€¦the lot of them. Pence? He almost destroyed his state and heā€™s looked at as the ā€˜saneā€™ alternative? Ryanā€¦what to say. He lies with SUCH sincerityā€¦and McCarthy. Oh lordā€¦Heā€™s lucky he has a job. OUR country? Give me a break.


Hey TPM, if you have the resources and brainpower, could you do an article on Trumpā€™s conflicts of interests. This article and a lot of other stuff you publish is incredibly lightweight even though you have pretensions of being clever.

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Good, let them hop on board the HO express.
Heā€™ll react to that with over confidence and get the message that his act is working, then double down.

There is nothing likeable about HO, he can at times be a bit less unlikeable or unassholish, if you will.

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Here you go. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/donald-trump-newsweek-buiness-ties-national-security-nightmare