Discussion: Hill Democrats Demand Answers From Trump Admin On Obamacare 'Sabotage'


I assume that Jet Setter (though temporary grounded) Tom will order his underlings to respond. With complete, total, silence.

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Scary black man!


In a letter to the embattled Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price …
The lawmakers say they are “alarmed,” and are demanding a response to the following questions by October 13…

October 13? How about October 3?
Trump will probably fire Price, claim the need for a delay in answering the question, continue to blow up the ACA, pat himself on the back, and claim credit for doing what the Congress couldn’t do, get rid of Obamacare.


Yep, mission being accomplished. I buy my insurance from healthcare.gov and four of the six insurance companies have pulled out of Virginia. Richmond - not some rural town. Supposedly there will be two companies (Anthem, Aetna, United, and Optima all gone), but our rates will be 60% higher, at least, we were warned. Goddamn these people to hell.



“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

In order for the President to uphold is oath of office, all he has to do is tell those in his administration to enforce the laws of this country. By not doing that, and allowing the ACA to purposefully fail, he’s breaking his oath. Add this one to the pile of legitimate reasons he needs to be impeached.


I get that they wrote the letter as a political tool and that it’s questions are purely rhetorical. But we already know the answer. Republican’ts run on a platform of, “Government is broken!” Then they get elected and break it. Then they use the “crisis” they themselves have created to justify privatization (AKA theft of public assets by private parties) and tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires and transnational, tax-avoiding corporations…


In order for the President to uphold is oath of office, all he has to do is tell those in his administration to enforce the laws of this country. By not doing that, and allowing the ACA to purposefully fail, he’s breaking his oath. Add this one to the pile of legitimate reasons he needs to be impeached.

That’s basically the same argument Republican’ts used against Obama for his DACA executive order…

This is just the beginning, they will throw all the sand in the gears that they can to stop Obamacare from being effective. It will work with the Trumpsters when they point at it falling apart, but I think most Americans will be able to tell that the changes started in 2017 and hold Trump accountable. The smart thing to do is to find the cases where these moves cost someone their life…it will happen, and finding those people to tell their stories, and perhaps sue the government for not following the law, will be extremely effective advertising against the Republicans in 2018.


“But she gave speeches to bankers!”

(Or something.)


Trump hasn’t issued an executive order though so until he does, the current law is the only guiding principle HHS is required to act under and as the letter the Dems put forth shows, Trump is purposefully breaking the oath he took by actively trying to undermine them. If Trump wants to issue an EO to solidify this new interpretation of the laws around the ACA, he can do so, then we can take him to court and let them decide.


Donald Trump’s SWAMP, behind your back, SLIME creatures.

Look how he’s handling Puerto Rico. He’s a SLIME.

This is how the sneaky Republicans get what they want.


In other words, Trump has an even better legal argument than Obama, RE: DACA.

Everyone, including the courts, agrees that the “take care” clause gives some flexibility to the president, a kind of prosecutorial discretion. Presidents “don’t have to enforce the law in every particular case,” Price, an expert on the clause at the University of California’s Hastings Law School, said in an interview with The Post. There are limits to the government’s resources. And the laws are often vague, or have gaping holes. “The power of executing the laws necessarily includes both authority and responsibility to resolve some questions left open by Congress that arise during the law’s administration,” wrote Justice Antonin Scalia in a 2014 environmental case. “But it does not include a power to revise clear statutory terms that turn out not to work in practice.”

I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but you have to stick to the facts and live with the truth, as Norman Goldman likes to say. In this case your only remedy is at the ballot box…

Nothing to keep the RDs ,or any other HHS employees, from helping out on their own time. I hope they do.


Sorry but the paragraph you posted doesn’t make sense in relation to this. We’re not talking about vague gaping holes in the law, we’re talking about enforcing existing structures that are already defined, already in place, and have a multi-year history of being enforced by the previous administration, not that Trump and his HHS need concrete examples, because it’s already spelled out. If Trump wants to give any sort of legal weight to his instructions to not uphold the law then he can issue an EO as Obama did, but he hasn’t, which means he’s not upholding his oath of office which was my original argument.


Paid troll or volunteer?

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Maybe it would be clearer to you if you stopped here:

Everyone, including the courts, agrees that the “take care” clause gives some flexibility to the president, a kind of prosecutorial discretion. Presidents “don’t have to enforce the law in every particular case,” Price, an expert on the clause at the University of California’s Hastings Law School, said in an interview with The Post. There are limits to the government’s resources.

The Trump Administration could simply claim that it’s a matter of limited resources. Period. Game over.

I’m curious as to what sections of the PPACA define these activities, or what administrative rules that were subject to the rulemaking process and duly promulgated define these activities; whereby, the Trump Administrations action would constitute “breaking the law.” Part of the reality of the transfer of power from one administration to another is that the new kids on the block get to decide how they want to run things, beyond adherence to the Constitution, statute and promulgated administrative rules of course.

Don’t tell me , he gave them the porky p8g stutter and laughed in their faces…

These fools don’t know how the system works. Expect leak upon leak concerning every instance of malfeasance by Donnie & Co…