Discussion: High Drama, Comedy In Close Floor Fight To Keep New Hampshire's Longtime SOS

The DNC could move the first primary to another state.

Just sayin’

If that isn’t funny this is

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Actually it is not that simple. In New Hampshire the scheduling of the presidential primary vote is determined by state law which provides that the primary shall be held, "on the Tuesday at least seven days immediately preceding the date on which any other state shall hold a similar election."

Now the state can certainly change that law, but as I understand it the voters in New Hampshire are pretty proud to be the first to cast ballots for presidential wannabes.

“The joint chamber is revoting now.”

If you think it’s revolting now, wait until they turn to serious business.


If NH insists on being First in Nation despite a DNC change, the DNC can simply take their delegates’ credentials away and not allow them to be seated or vote at the convention.

No candidates would campaign in NH if the DNC did this.

Somehow I cannot imagine the DNC going to that extreme. Little to gain, much to lose.

Somehow I don’t believe that giving people of color and progressives a voice in the first primaries is “little to gain.” I think that there is a lot to gain, in fact.

Furthermore, I don’t believe that moving the primaries from mostly-white rural conservative states to states that are more diverse and progressive causes Democrats to lose anything.

But it would upset the white men that control the Democratic primary in NH, and the Democratic party would never want to do that. Oh no! So people of color and progressives are moved toward the back of the line. Again.

No democracy, no justice.

I don’t expect NH’s status as the first-int-the-nation primary is going to change anytime soon.

But what may well happen is that the results of the New Hampshire primary just get less and less attention. Already, Super Tuesday is where the real action is – and with California getting added to Super Tuesday festivities, that will be even more true.

So it seems possible that in the not-too-distant future, the whole NH primary will be viewed kind of the way the Dixville Notch primary is viewed – kind of a quaint tradition, but where the results are just not considered important.