Well sure, if they were mistreated in some what, what’re they gonna do? Complain to mom?
Brillant cost-saving, isn’t it? Your party of family values at work.
Another reminder that no matter what you do to keep your sanity, none of this is at all funny. It’s grotesque and horrible and enraging. Why would you do this, unless you wanted those children to be abused?
This should be Front Page News!
Casual cruelty – it’s not just a job, it’s an administration!
Glad to see that Roy Moore found gainful employment…
I cannot even pass the locked and reinforced front entrance or volunteer at my kids schools without an exhaustive State Police background check. Trump has allowed access, no, fast-tracked racists, sadists, and perverts to vulnerable children and teens.
Lock them up.
Is there a bottom?
Only imposed from the outside. These people just don’t understand the concept of simple decency the way normal people do.
Can’t even do that because they locked up mom in a different detention facility concentration camp.
For those that are spanish-challenged “tornillo” means “screw”. Very apropo name, bet all the pedophiles in the country are volunteering to work there.
It’s evil all the way down.
That is the sort of deterent the Trumpers want. Come here and we will take your children away, abuse them, and maybe give them away to some nice “Christian” family to teach them to be proper Real Americans TM.
Yup, in my school district volunteers need to pass background tests that include finger printing.
The Trump administration does not care about the safety and well being of the children it kidnapped.
But those have parents that will complain if the kid gets molested. Not a chance of that happening on America’s Concentration Camps.
Lots of religious leaders are lookin for work these days …
Gotta keep the unemployment numbers down ----
I imagine your question was rhetorical, but I’ll give it a shot anyway.
Yes, to us this is horrific cruelty, but to the Trump administration this is just tending to his base. They’ve been told to make foreigners the scapegoats for all their problems — immigrants steal our jobs, commit acts of violence, and spread disease.
Maybe they are being directed by terrorists, ISIS, George Soros, or globalists. Somebody, please do something!
Notice that the refugees are being called invaders. Yesterday a right wing group in an email to me accused the caravan of being “95 percent males of military age.”
The message is clear: we should fear these people, not empathize with them or welcome and help them. And our bureaucratic safeguards to prevent abuse are just so many niceties that provide loopholes that “they” exploit to get here and carry out their nefarious goals.
And so now they see Trump “fighting back” on their behalf, and they are rapturous. Yes, it’s an orgy of cruelty and to these deplorables it is cathartic.
They won’t get bogged down in boring discussions about immigration policy, or the manner by which we process and review refugees’ applications; they long for the cleansing, clarifying effect of violence, cruelty and domination. They are more than satisfied by this horrific display and wonder why no one had the “strength” and “courage” to stand up for Real Americans like Trump does.
Trump sees this orgy of ritualized cruelty, domination and violence as a political winner for him, and that is why he would not consider your alternative solution. He has already made his cost-benefit analysis, and he only is concerned with stirring up his ignorant, hateful base.
This is so outrageous. How anyone could do this to adults much less kids is beyond my imagination. Having minders walk you from one spot to the next, kids all dressed the same. Let’s call this what it is a concentration camp and I can only hope after January this is on the top of the Dems list to do something about.