Dear Mr. Fillabastard ,
You may need to change hands —
Perhaps the RETHUG Gov. of FL should get in touch with Yertle re: funding. But he’d better do it soon because from what I’ve heard, the virus is spreading.
Not good for tourism or any wealthy White people who live down there…
It’s OK to kill babies if you are a Republican. The Party of haha Family Values and All Things Anti-Obama has selected this public health hazard to score political points. Anticipation of many micro cephalic infants gives McConnell and Ryan hope that they may yet make President Obama a one termer.
I so enjoy it when mcTurtle gets slapped for his lies!
How many more months do we have to put up with his lying ass senate leadership?
Yertle the tertle should enjoy his last few months as Senate Majority leader. He’s probably going to be the last one.
Somebody, maybe somebody in the MSM needs to remind McConnell that Congress controls the purse strings of this country, so if he wants to get some funding he needs to look at his own party.
The sad part is Zika-caused microcephaly in southern states would actually expand the GOP voting base in future years.
Looks they come and bless us with their presence for a month in Sept. …
Then they’re off again Oct. 7 — So… They’ll " do nothing" from now until we change the leadership for them —
Isn’t it illegal to shoot a turtle?
It is a damn shame that Secretary Burwell had to educate the most powerful RepubliCANT leader in the Senate on the process of using appropriated funds!
McConnell is WOTRHLESS!
Someone should kidnap McConnell and Ryan and take them to Miami and let them loose.
Make sure you put them in an area that has a lHUGE population of mosquitos carrying the Zika virus.
You can’t even claim that schedule is a part time job! Never mind the full time pay and benefits they get!
Then they turn around and insult the low wage earners, saying THEY don’t work hard enough to make more than minimum wage.
They make me sick!
McConnell is a great Senator…for me to poop on!! (with hat tip to Triumph)
That’s exactly the pushback that’s needed on things like this, the debt ceiling, all of it:
“Well, Senator, the Executive Branch can only spend money the way Congress told them to. When you pass a Budget, that’s a law. The Government’s forced to spend that money just how you ordered it. So maybe you should do your job instead of complaining about other folks not breaking your law.”
Emerging pandemics are an area where it pays to spend early and spend hard. Most Republicans still remember Gerald Ford’s swine flu debacle, but I would keep flu in its own category from other diseases. In any case, flu doesn’t cause odd damage to the nervous system such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, microcephaly or permanent paralysis. Until there is a cure, Zika’s pattern might look more like polio back in the day, affecting vast swaths of the population, with many spared by light cases and others devastated and facing lifetimes of costly care. Mitch McConnell is truly a bad man.
The sequester has been a disaster for public health.
I think Zika made its way to Mar A Lago some years ago where the Republican presidential nominee and anti-vaxxer resides.
This congress really needs to be called out as a threat to the public health.
Nope, we anticipated you fuckers would try something like this too.
Hey, could you tell me what the difference is between this and 50 + votes to try and repeal Obamacare?
[laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh]