State employee timesheets contain errors.
In other words, the Indiana State authorities are being ordered by Pence, a month before the election, to take action then go into a holding pattern in order to provide inconclusive yet feasible justification for the Trump campaign voter fraud conspiracy claims.
Yes, this has ultra-right winger Mike Pence’s name all over it. I do hope that after the alleged investigation ends, the SOS, that 1st county clerk, the head of the State Police and any other conspirators get slapped into jail on Federal, not State, charges. Unfortunately, it is Indiana where they only throw Democrats in jail regardless of the validity of the charges.
It’s also interesting that the top prosecutor has told the police to stop talking about this weird case. That sounds like conspiracy! In almost any other state, a whole bunch of Republican leaning officials would likely be up on charges for this shitestain of an investigation. But again, it is that backward state of Indiana! Our only hope then lies with the DOJ’s Federal charges.
My wife and I just concluded the annual popcorn fundraiser for our Cub Scout pack. I’d say 1/10 of the forms are filled out wrong in one way or another. You tell people to make out checks to “BFE Pack 17” and you’d be amazed how many permutations people come up with. Pack 17, Pack BFE, BFE Pack, BFE Cub Scouts, BFE Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts 17, etc.
Guess what. Volunteers aren’t perfect. It comes with the job. Someone in charge has to be a go getter and track these issues until resolution.
So what if the kid who fell one tin of Classic Caramel short of earning his junior marksman bow and arrow prize, alleged massive popcorn fraud? We’d tell his parents, out earshot of the children of course, to grow the fuck up and start setting a better example. Be proud of what he did earn! Maybe hustle a little more next year. Or how about wearing his uniform next year when we’re busting our asses trying to sell outside the local grocery store!
In other words, no one really knows.
This itself is exactly the problem. When no one knows things that should be public knowledge, such as what initiated the raid; why the SOS is alleging that actions required by law are themselves illegal; what gives Carter the authority to speculate about voter fraud in ANY in Indiana or any other state; why are legitimate voter registrations being treated like the problematic registrations, etc.
When we don’t know the answers to things we should know, it’s fair to start filling in the blanks. Occam’s razor applies.
…didn’t someone (Bannon?) recently say something about voter suppression tactics?
I know, they are liars, but this time I think they telegraphed their intentions, when you mix media whores with politics you get Trump’s campaign.
What actually initiated the state police investigation? Evan Bath entered the Senate race.
What was the motivation? Defeat Evan Bayh!
What happens to the thousands of legitimate registration forms submitted through the voter registration drive under investigation? In the bin.
Yep! Exactly!
And the State Police will announce, shortly after the election, all smoke, no fire and we are NOT at fault at all for interjecting a “police” state of affairs into what is a political arena. Nope, we are entirely faultless!
Signatures don’t match the databases? THAT’S BECAUSE THEY’RE JUST REGISTERING YOU DISHPITS.
Oh back to the simpler days when I was walking down the hallway in my High School and the nice lady from the League of Women Voters called out “Are you going to be 18 before the next election?” Why yes, yes I am. She gave me a form I filled it out and I’ve been registered for the last thirty some odd years.
On another note is the Indiana SoS Connie Lawson trying to up Kobach or what?
This needs the urgent intervention of a federal judge.
No, it is not up to the prosecutors to decide what to do with the registration forms. The people who filled them out have the right to vote. It is not up to Pence’s appointees to deny that right.
The police chief should be put in the same holding cell as Arapaio.
I did that route and after one year that was it, we changed the practice. What we did was pick one weekend, parents using a minivan drove the kids to the target. One parent drove, another supervised (kept an eye on the kids) while the kids ran from home to home. If they did not have enough product, in our case candy bars, then a runner brought it to them. Over a 3 hour period, football and college break time, we sold 50% more than our den allotment. That was it. Another den took the same route a couple of blocks over, they also exceeded the allotment. The other 2 dens went the traditional route and were still dealing with the aftermath for weeks. The only problem both dens had was that later in the year when they asked for funds for projects, nothing was available. I heard from more than one parent and their sons that something fishy was going on with the money as it appeared the other dens had all they wanted no questions asked.
OK, Indiana is a state with voter ID requirements. So how exactly would this ostensible voter-registration fraud work? Voter-registration organizations are required by law to turn in all registration forms (because obviously), so there would have to be some kind of conspiracy to get people to make false registrations while simultaneously obtaining fraudulent ID giving the address of wherever they claimed to be voting from. Or making absentee ballot requests, in which case the person living at that address would also have to be involved in the conspiracy so they could forward the mail (or Idunno, maybe the USPS is in on it). And then you’d have to have all these people with fake ID and fake registrations going to the voting sites in numbers significant enough to turn an election.
If anyone had the small army of dedicated conspirators required for such a scheme, this would be pretty much the least effective way of taking over the government they could possibly imagine.
A rigged election. Trump proven right again. What can you say?
Justice Dept: Zzzzzzzzzz…state-sponsored voter suppression, civil rights violations? Those do NOT justify waking us from our nap. Now go away so we can go back to sleep.
You see, Indiana has a very real chance of swinging to Hillary (the way it went for Obama in 2008) and that would pretty much kill Pence’s national hopes if that happened. I live in Indiana and this mess came out of left field practically over-night. It smells to high-heaven of desperation. The only fraud being committed here is by the Pence administration and its State Police toadies.
Needed quickly - Federal court injunction that the 45,000 who registered can vote, and the 10 questionable registrants can vote provisionally. Complete Federal investigation. Later - Charges. Pleas or convictions. Accountability for everyone involved (including Pence).
“Investigations of this nature are complicated and can take an extended period of time to complete," he added.
November 9th at least.
Where is the justice department on this?