Faux could apologize 24/7 and it would still take them a century to atone for the damage it has done to … (limited bandwidth precludes complete list).
I feel shocked that a segment named after the epic Waterworld would turn out poorly.
Hallow apologies are worse than no apology. At least they keep their integrity intact. Somehow I think integrity means little to people who think like this, though.
It’s like the Washington Times, they only correct when they could be sued and lose the suit.
It’s funny to me that they (right wingers, including the people at FOX “News”) push this idea that not apologizing means you’re strong and expressing regret over something said or have done means you’re weak
they are always in outrage mode demanding an apology by something they are offended by.
- The alt-right wanted Hiillary to apologize for criticizing their
racism, - Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger prematurely demanded an apology
from Vicki Cowart, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Rocky
Mountains if the guy that shot up the clinic was NOT an anti-choice
terroist (try to make sense out of that bullshit) - Trump said he wasn’t mocking the NY reporters disability and demanded
an apology from him - Trump also demanded an apology from Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski for
an interview she did with his phony ass surrogate Pastor Burns
and so on.
They want to say what they please, to hell with political correctness until their fee-fees are hurt.
By the way, it’s not Jesse that is the problem here - though he did use bad judgment. It’s FOX - because the bullshit wouldn’t have aired without their approval. They can all screw themselves, as far as I’m concerned.
EDITED to correct spelling errors
FOX Entertainment (the “news” side of it) should apologize for existing. They should relinquish their license back to the American people, pay every cent of profits to some good charities like Planned Parenthood, Red Cross, ASPCA, The Clinton Foundation, etc., and then the Murdochs should also relinquish their American citizenship and high-tail it back to the outback – for good.
This is why Trump is the nominee of the Republicans Party and will be defeated by a Democratic woman next month. Independent women and the men who work, love and raise children with them them are not going to put up with this sort of crap any longer.
Asian Americans should never be subjected to this sort of crap under any stretch of the mind…
It’s time to finish off the political power of those who refuse to support equal opportunity and justice under the law. We are talking to you smooth talking Mike Pence. Get off your superiority and come back down to earth and live among the rest of us.
Bill O’Reilly apologized to me, on the air, for calling me an anti-Semite. It happened a long time ago, in 2007, and I don’t even have the link any more, but the story is at http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/09/06/381341/-Bill-O-Reilly-Apologized-UPDATED-with-Link.
“What about me? Seriously? I don’t even make the list?”
Terrorist Fist Jab
They are really, really sorry about that little Carlson thing, which is also an other thing with the other ladies and M. Kelly has’em by he short hairs now too, so man-are they really sorry.
The $40 mil that Ailes got for causing it all though, no biggie.
It’s amazing how easy it is to hurt the feelings of these “anti-PC warriors”.