Discussion: Here's What Gretchen Carlson Wrote A Year Ago About Sexual Harassment

Trump: I am now confused. Isn’t Gretchen a Trans?

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Well I guess sexual harassment was bearable when coupled to a high six figure salary, once the money stopped coming… well…you get ammo to shoot back.


Really puts other female Fox News employees on the spot as I doubt she was the only victim.

After all, I’m sure there’s a reason why Ailes hires blond bombshells…and it’s not just for the male viewership.


The timing doesn’t make her look good, but bad behavior is bad behavior. And if what she alleges is true, laws have been broken at Fox.


Regardless of whatever god awful things she probably has said on the air (wouldn’t know, never watch), in terms of her public takedown of her former bosses/co-workers, I would just say this:


I’m shocked!!! I never pictured Steve Douchebag as a switch hitter…


It’s not a question of “whether” but “how many.” We know she wasn’t the only victim: we’ve known since the name Andrea Mackris first came to light. And we knew what kind of “man” Roger Ailes was once he decided to keep Bill O’Reilly on the air.


Carlson sat on her little sofa and entertained Trump with inanities, for years. Trump’s misogyny is well known. His dumping of aging trophy wives for newer versions is not hidden. His lewd comments about Ivanka are out there. His epithets blasted toward various women; ugly, dogface, “used to be a 10, now she’s a 6, at best” are widely written about. Color me unsympathetic to Carlson. She enabled and ignored and failed to confront the very behavior she now decries. Boo. Hoo.



Aisle’s desire must be isolated to a mental/psychosomatic capacity…

I’ll venture to say the man cannot find his ‘boy-thing’, underneath all that blubber :rage:


I was surprised Elizabeth Hasselbach left her gig there so quickly. I bet she was harassed too.


Oh Gretchy’! You were at FOX News. You expected chivalrous and gentlemanly treatment! __ Now ol’ Megs’ Kelly knows how to view this subject while at FOX:


She is a woman who seems to have spent her entire adult life successfully using her sexual attractiveness as a tool to advance her career. In her case, I have a hard time being sympathetic.

do you suppose the real deal breaker was when Jabba wanted her to put on the bikini and leash and sit at his feet?


I really don’t feel too sorry for Gretchen. For YEARS she enabled guys like Ailes in their behavior. She even listed a bunch of times it had happened in the past to her personally . What made her think Fox Not the News was any different? In fact she has a record of blaming liberals for all the ills of this country, but NEVER folks like Ailes.

Yet I will bet you that Ailes somewhere has damned sexual harassment laws as being liberal meddling in business. But now Gretchen is turning to just those laws, created by just those liberals to help her out.

I tell you what, Gretchen. I’ll back helping you but I don’t wanna hear any bullshit about bleeding-heart liberals come out of your mouth.


Wonder who else had to skee-ruu’ ol’ Hindenburg Ailes to advance his career: Tantaros? Kelly? Hannity?! ___ Yup! Bet Hannity has squeezed the Ailes Charmin’, cause if there’s anybody who needs to cater to the boss to get ahead it’s Hannity.


I have two words for anybody surprised by this.

Andrea. Mackris.


Obviously harassment can be and is perpetrated pretty much anyplace but if I had to make a list of top 10 places it’s likely to occur, Fox would be at the top of the list. Not saying it’s in any way excusable or thay she is in any way to blame; just that it doesn’t surprise me that it happens at Fox given their benighted worldview.

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Carlson waited until she got fired before she filed a complaint. One would almost think that she was fine with all the Ailes’ crap as long as she could be a FOX Blonde News Reader and act important and make big bucks promoting evil.

To hell with her:


Best tweet of the day:

"I’m watching FOX News now. No mention of this. It can’t be true."