Discussion: Here's The Screening Process For Refugees And The Changes GOPers Want

Discussion for article #243001

Hmm - there’s something about that list … Ah, got it now: the items to be added sure look exactly like what wold come right to the floor of the House directly after being factory-produced & custom-modified in the DHS-bothering fevered imagination of a majority party caucus, fixin’ on usin’ 'em to hound and remove from the next POTUS (WHO EVER SHE might turn out to be) an entire section of the administration’s current Constitutionally-assigned duties, including impinging critically on powers the executive branch needs to deal even with existing issues involving some 11 to 13 million non-citizen residents.

I have in my mind’s eye two conflicting pictures of a middle-aged black-haired demagogue wagging his billionaire-Superpac-charged finger and making highly unpleasant screeching sounds in a manner that, had he now in full shivering glory the gigantic jowls the future omnipresence of which is already being hinted at beneath the mild sheen upon that smooth white pampered butt-face, would cause any nation come together to tear itself asunder, one standing while waving it about a mostly-empty plenary chamber of the U.S. Senate, the other distracting us all from the dead fisheyes of the speaker seated behind the desk featured in the Oval Office, the first working up apocalyptic epithet-IEDs in citing the Constitution as DEMANDING these powers as the birthright of Congress, the second playing with the launch codes on the nuclear fuhbow while citing the Constitution to deny the very same powers to Congress as necessary to the preservation of the Union.


so the only thing missing is adding congressional involvement to the process. because we all know how that branch of government is entirely professional and would never use it as an opportunity for grandstanding.


The terrorists were French citizens not Syrians. Most of the 911 hijackers were Saudis and we didn’t start deporting Saudis or stop doing business with them. These fucking people are disgusting. I heard about the process refugees go through and it takes 12 to 18 months and it is rigorous. Not everyone makes it. Terrorists wouldn’t be risking their lives to come here on inflatable boats whent hey can get fake passports and travel. This is all so disgusting I am reading to stop listening.


The Repubs always use the term, ‘smaller government’ I do not think that it means what they think it means.
And, for some reason they grow government in order to shrink it. It’s a Republican thing.


Why in hell should I want this congress of hormonal challenged pubescents involved in anything that real adults are already managing quite well?

Election year politics at its most vile.


so far.

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It’s a matter of natural Republican selection as to which species of government programs flourish and which species die. Add a soupçon of dynamic accounting et voila! - “smaller government” you can run on.


You make their boorish ideas sound sort of sexy. Please, don’t do that.

My local rep, the “combat podiatrist” who succeeded “Mean” Jean Schmidt, is both holding a (closed) poll of what to do with the Syrian refugee crisis while simultaneously announcing he’s in favor of “shutting it (the whole immigration process) down”, for now

So I took part in the poll, and sent him this nice message

Don’t let Syrians in because it’s the right thing to do.

Let them in because it’s the right thing for America (that is, the GOP).

Immigrants from Syria and Lebanon have been contributing to the economies of Ohio and Michigan for over a century, in skilled labor and the professions, from Chrysler to the Cleveland Clinic. They are more naturally conservative than other immigrant nationalities (especially Jamie Farr from Toledo), in a way that matches Republican politics in many areas, especially when it comes to conservative social mores and the way the government carries them out.

You personally know this from the Syrians you dealt with when working in the Middle East. I learned what you already know about Syrians when I worked in Abu Dhabi a few years back. Most of the skilled teachers, bankers and IT personnel there are Syrian. The local Emiratis always complained to me that they were “too white” :wink:

We don’t have to let them all in. Just the best and brightest (okay, we don’t have to let in any podiatrists … we want to protect your practice lol).

If nothing else convinces you, I will leave you with this. If it weren’t for the Russian pogroms, Sheldon Adelson’s parents wouldn’t have left for America. Where is the next generation of GOP voters and contributors going to come from to tip the balance in favor of the new two party system (GOP and Tea Party) for eternity?


– Require the Homeland Security secretary, with the “unanimous concurrence” of the head of the FBI and of the Director of National Intelligence, to certify to congressional committees that the person does not pose a security threat.

These people don’t understand the meaning of the words “legislative” and “executive” (or they simply just want to run the country without getting elected to do so). Not to mention the fact they’re verging on “bills of attainder”…

With all this micromanagement, is there a Donald Rumsfeld floating around somewhere, or is it the RW authoritarians just being RW authoritarians?