Discussion: Here Are The Biggest Bombshells From The Redacted Mueller Report

Perhaps Mueller had on his staff a Dentist who really knows body language.


Only if it is a Republican one.

Not from what I’ve been reading. Bombshell is the new bb shot.

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Yeah, the intent is pretty ambiguous. :confused:


“If it’s what you say it is, I love it.”
That certainly seems to imply Jr. knew exactly what the Russians were doing, so the hell with his state of mind.


The one person who knows the entire truth feeling fucked in March 2017 ballparks this perfectly for me. Everything else is just details.


Someone beat you to this determination.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office weighed charging Donald Trump Jr. with a violation of election laws regarding foreign donations to political campaigns — but they concluded he was too ignorant to have knowingly committed a crime.

Mueller concluded Trump Jr. was too ignorant to violate election laws


And this p264 (Sorry the same as you posted, but with bigger font ;-))

EDIT @tierney I hope TPM will contact Sen.Burr about these details,…

and this

I can’t imagine Burr can stay as Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Commitee after this ?

But Burr supplying Trump’s aides with information about the FBI probe could undercut some of those warm bipartisan feelings. Burr did not respond to a request for comment, nor did the Senate Intelligence Committee’s ranking member, Mark Warner (D-Va.).


Seems to me I remember something about “Ignorance of the law is no defense …”

But if you’re white, wealthy, male and related to a criminal president - it’s all good!


When someone says: “Oh my God. This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked.” It’s because they know they are guilty


a “slip of the tongue” comment she made in the “heat of the moment” and was factually baseless

How in God’s name do the Dumpster people keep getting away with this kind of thing?


By then it will be seen as “needlessly and harmfully” partisan to pursue criminal investigation and charges for the people that, at the very least, accepted the assistance of a hostile foreign power to sway an American election. We will be encouraged to move on for unity’s sake and the good of the nation, and then in a few years Republicans will do it all over again but worse.


“Oh my God. This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked.”

AND so Trump shared his misfortune…
By diligently fucking-up anyone he can…
Those brown immigrants, gold star families, HRC, Obama, Intel Community,
Even Sessions!

What a miserable excuse of a human being!
The same goes for his namesake…
Isn’t the email “I love it…” enough to establish a culpable mental state?


You’re in the wrong decade. “Bombshell” as used here harkens back to the film classic “Return of the Pink Panther” where Inspector Clouseau is vexed by a bemb.

Burr -time for an ethics investigation. Wasn’t he part of the transition team or campaign? Both he and Nunes are dirty.


So glad to see that the Senate was keeping its distance and maintaining a neutral investigation. Jesus. Between Grassley’s staffer and Burr thumbing the scales it looks like everyone was aiding and abetting this clusterfuck. Imagine what we’d know if they hadn’t been throwing sand in everyone’s eyes for the last three years.


I wouldn’t count on that. Not at all. We are not in normal times where it would be seen as unseemly to go after a previous administration. That’s actually one thing PP and his ilk have relieved us of by repeatedly attempting to go after both Obama and Clinton. Plus, I expect there may still be charges coming from SDNY and NY, so I don’t think anyone outside of the batshittery is going to give a damn about the usual comity observed in the past especially now that we know a sitting Republican senator aided and abetted in the obstruction.


Reminiscent of the" was not intended to be a factual statement" when that senator (Kyl?) said 90% of PP funding went to abortions. Because why would you expect a speech on the Senate floor/an official statement from the WH press secretary to give any consideration to facts?


Vol. I reeks of the stench of treason.

American citizens and campaign operatives meeting with and talking to Russians (any foreign citizen government) for the sole purpose of trying to gain an edge in an election. Flynn and Trump immediately assure the Russkies they’ll do what they can to ease sanctions post-election.




And they don’t think they can prosecute? What a shit show.

From the same people who went ballistic over a Chinese national contributing to Clinton’s re-election campaign or Hillary’s first Senate campaign, I forget which.


Perhaps flying water tankers could be used. Must act quickly!