Discussion: Heller To Vote For Motion To Proceed On Bill To Repeal Obamacare

In a nutshell, he caved.

Punish him in 2018, Nevada.


The Senate would pass a bill that strips just a few aspects of Obamacare so that they can then hammer out the details of a more comprehensive plan with the House in a conference committee.

Uh huh. Just a few aspects like…the mandate on individuals and employers.

IF that ends up by the wayside, there’s really nothing left to hammer out in a conference committee. It would be gone and there will be nothing to replace it with.

@geofu54 Heller is a moron. Not only is he up for re election next year but he’s in a State for which Harry Reid still has a strong presence. If anyone can make Heller’s seat real vulnerable, it’s Reid.


Dems will be adding that senate back in there column.


Moderates always cave. BUT… this doesn’t yet mean that the bill will pass. Incredibly we still don’t even know what the bill says.


“I will vote to proceed to vote on something I haven’t seen, of which I don’t know the contents, and of which I have no idea of the consequences. Because I am a spineless, dishonest dickhead,” Heller added.



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With Portman jumping on board, the MTP (and whatever else resulting from it) will likely pass (knock on wood) today. Now these two likely think that they are safe from any repercussions, so let’s find out if that’s true or not.


Emergency! Emergency! Call 911! There’s been a series of cave-ins in the Senate!

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I hope we can get someone from Dubya’s time to replay one of their greatest hits:

“Nobody could have predicted” all these cave-ins.

Unfortunately by the time the State of OH is completely decimated by these health care cuts, Portman might just decide to leave and spend all his time and money in some nice Blue State. No relying on him to do the right thing.

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And if he votes for any of the bills being bandied about, he’ll also lose the backing of a very popular Hispanic Republican governor in a very brown state.


If you really want to see the human aspect of health care in NV, showing just how Third Worldish we are, read this piece. https://t.co/UgR0JPm81m.

— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) July 24, 2017

Heller wants to take a bad situation and make it much worse.

A vulnerable Rethug in a purple State.

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One of the trickiest things about this timeline is trying to measure how strong is this possible conflict between the establishment guys (in this case Kasich and Sandoval) versus the newer ‘breed’ (?)…ok, Trump’s an obvious ‘mutt’, that are now running things.

This is me, but in the case of Heller, Sandoval being term limited could mean that Nevada’s senior senator feels that folks like Wynn and Adelson > Sandoval.

Of course, all of that ‘theory’ might get thrown out of the window in '18,


but that’s for a later discussion.

@inversion I understand where you’re coming from re: Sandoval / Wynn / Adelson. However it seems to me that the latter two can provide dark money against the Dem (probably Rosen) whereas Sandoval can provide actual votes.

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Seeing how very few modern day GOP chieftains (?) stood up and said ‘vote Clinton’, as it relates to the MTP (and anything else) I’m not sure that Sandoval can be relied on to roll against Heller.

Now anything is possible, but like before, the question is still the same: ‘Are folks cool with what’s coming down the pike?’

Though its in increments, folks are about to find out.

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I don’t live there so I don’t know. You may be entirely correct.

My thinking was if Sandoval wants to further his political career and needs achievements to point to as Gov. in the State, would it make sense to hang with Heller?

As you say, no one really knows what’s coming down the pike but it can’t be good and they’re gonna find out soon enough :worried:

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About to find out.

One of the weirdest jibes about 2016 is that folks like Kasich (who voted for McCain) couldn’t find themselves slagging Trump, but it didn’t stop aides like Sally Bradshaw from saying how they feel.

Now running that picture against what happened in France, where every politician, short of Melanchon, treated LePen like she was ‘the Hun’ and that’s why I can’t envision either Sandoval trying to roll against Heller, yet.

It might happen (again might), but like '16, a larger series of extraordinary events would have to happen for the ‘chieftains’ to finally catch a clue.

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Waiting for Pence to fuck things up


Fuck you, Grampy, you hypocritical sack of shit…