Never gonna happen, not with Kasich as Governor. They can ban tennis balls, they can ban water guns…but they will never ban actual guns.
The good Governor’s answer? “Sorry. LaPierre said no.”
His answer denying any relief to police who clearly fear the worst sounds like a stump speech, citing the “noble” and “essential” work of law enforcement and also blather about “bonds”, “renewal”, “communities” blah blah blah, But nothing about anyone especially a bystander getting shot in the crossfire of two ammosexuals…
He’s probably telling the truth. I doubt that Kasich has the power to arbitrarily select laws for suspension. He has sworn to uphold the law. You pass a dangerous law, you get a dangerous law. No time to repeal it. Congrats, NRA.
Kasich is absolutely correct! Nor do governors and legislatures have power to infringe on ANY constitutional rights however much they find distasteful!
Besides it’s not like Kasich and HIS familly are going to be there!
You are probably right, but his statement was quite offensive.
He could have made a public appeal for people not to carry, among other things.
“Everyone has an important role to play in
that renewalResurrection: Mistakes By The Lake Commemorative 2016 GOP Convention Edition.”
FIFY, Gov.
Maybe it is time for Police unions around the country to stop supporting GOP candidates. Police officers do not like all the guns on the street and it won’t get better with GOP’ers in office.
For Kasich to make a public appeal for people not to carry would be an interesting admission that the law is a travesty – a concern that surfaced when a bunch of “good guys with guns” realize they really are in danger because of it. All of these open carry laws should be repealed. That’s the only real and decent solution. To encourage people to voluntarily suspend a right that has been sold to them as a bill of goods isn’t politically workable, now matter how you feel about the law (I obviously hate these things).
Ah, but the Secret Service can. They do it all the time. All they need do is expand its definition of the “perimeter” and voilà . This could serve a double duty as anyone who complained about it would be identified as a good candidate for a visit by SS, FBI, ATF, etc.
I know it sounds like a somewhat slippery slope but “Who the fuck is going to complain?”
Tiowally, the complaints would pour in from thousands of fine upstanding dopes attending this convention. There’s been no shortage of John Waynes talking to the press about how they’re going to openly pack heat just in case ISIS shows up. Seriously, these people have been told over and over and over again that open carry laws are essential to their safety. It comes from Opposite World, but they firmly believe it. They would go nuts.
The NRA and all the cheese dicks who feel compelled to wear weapons!
Damned NRA hating liberals!
Without “open carry” there will be no good guys with a gun! Or, worse, a good guy doesn’t get the word, carries open, and gets shot by a good guy! Or, would that be a bad guy? No. The good guys have the guns…unless they are bad guys… Open carry! It’s the only thing that makes sense. Then we know that guys carrying are good guys…right? Well, maybe.
Wow. Good call, Bob. Six FTWs for that one.
Well you know the answer to that : Wayne LaPierre and the ammosexuals
Sorry. This popped up in the wrong place. My bad.
“Missed it by that much.” — Maxwell Smart, 1965
Exactly as I said: People self-identified as a good candidate for a visit by SS, FBI, ATF, etc.
This same police union president just put out a statement saying that Obama has “blood on his hands” and that someone needs to “come forward and put an end to this”. “This” being… ?
I worry when a someone asks for “law and order” measures, acknowledges they may be extraconstitutional and then says “I don’t care whether it’s constitutional or not”.
(BTW I am not a supporter of open carry and think we can prohibit it within the confines of the 2nd Amendment.)
STEVE LOOMIS, PRESIDENT OF CLEVELAND POLICE PATROLMEN’S ASSOCIATION: The president of the Untied States validated a false narrative and the nonsense that Black Lives Matter and the Media are pressing out to the public — validated with his very divisive statements And now we see an escalation.
This has got to end.
We need some leadership in this country to come forward and put an end to this. I don’t care if it’s clergy or who it is but somebody has to step up and put an end to this. It’s false narrative and people politicizing the false narrative that we have a President of the United States and the governor of Minnesota making a statement less than one day after the police involved shootings. The police involved shootings are what absolutely has triggered in rash of senseless murders of law enforcement officers across the country. It is reprehensible.
The president has blood on his hands and it will not be able to come washed off…
How the hell did we ever become the bad guys in this country? I can not imagine how we got here. It is the irresponsible reporting of the media and irresponsible statements from people who are credible - like the president, like celebrities.
Kasich doesn’t seem to have a problem with unconstitutional laws involving women’s reproductive health?