Discussion: Have Trump And Putin Met Before Their G20 Summit Meeting? Depends When You Asked

Newsflash: Donald J. Trump is a pathological liar; Putin more trustworthy.




Pure puffery in case anyone hasn’t noticed.

Even when caught -there is tape- he lies about his lies. The President as no credibility. Sad.


Then, there was the 2013 Thomas Roberts interview in which he said he said that he met Putin.

Criminals stick together.

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So it seems trump will make up whatever lie he thinks suits the situation - he met with Putin, he didn’t meet with Putin, they have a relationship, they don’t have a relationship, they get along great, they were on 60 Minutes together, he says nice things about me, he said I’m a genius.

Then Putin says without hesitation that they never met before today. Suddenly trump’s version of events is exactly in line with Putin’s. What a groveling chump he is.


…anybody notice Melania’s sleeveless shimmy-shimmy dress she wore today?

Either Trump knew about the Russian connection helping his campaign, and he is guilty of trying to cover it up, OR he got played and doesn’t want anyone to know. To me either are likely. Which would he hate more? Conning or being conned. The world knows he is a liar and a cheat. What is his deepest fear? Could it be if the world found out he had been suckered by the Russian’s instead – The con met his match. And maybe the end of the “legendary” Trump brand and total humiliation.

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Dopey donald looks like a horney 15 year old who just met her favorite rock star. And look at Putin he’s making gugu eyes at donald and donald is giggling.

I don’t see how they didn’t meet when Trump was staging the Miss Universe contest in Moscow. Who didn’t want to see a circus clown perform jackass tricks? It was after they met and Putin saw what a utter idiot Donald was that Putin hatched his plan to manipulate the clown in some way in the future politically. Trump was already spouting that Birtherism crap.

I guess Putin forget what an idiot Trump was. There is no way that Donnie can pull off any scam without it unraveling almost immediately.

I thought Soviet KGB butchers didn’t tolerate such gay stuff.

Well when you think about it, Putin does look a little gaylish.