Discussion: Hate Crimes Against Muslims In U.S. Have Tripled Since Paris Attacks

Discussion for article #243931

…and gun sales quadrupled. Prai$e Allah and pass the ammunition!

And anyone who is surprised by this has obviously not been paying attention to the RWNJ’s actively encouraging this and inflaming the anger of their core constituency thru their official party entertainment channel on Fox.


Well, no one could have foreseen that right?
Look at Fiorina and the Colorado shooter. A direct connection between rethoric and the resulting violence, and she gets a couple of “hard” questions on a TV show.


Land of the Free, home of the Brave?

‘Hate crimes’ vs. ‘Terrorist attacks’…I see. When WE do it, it’s a hate crime…when those pesky brown skinned foreigners do it, terrorist attacks!!! Maybe if the politicians would stop dicking around with the history cirriculum in schools people would learn ‘the only thing to fear is fear itself’, the REAL Constitution as opposed to the garbage that is thrown out as talking points and learn to think for themselves again!

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And such backlash against Muslims, as we fear, plays right into Daesh’s hands, a study, which examines the US after 9/11, suggests.

From the conclusion…

Our findings present the first evidence that the backlash against Muslims slowed their rate of assimilation, as reflected by higher rates of intra-marriage and fertility, and lower rates of female labour force participation and English proficiency. In this manner, our findings suggest that terror attacks against western targets may have a long-term political and socio-economic impact, by creating a less assimilated, and perhaps more isolated Muslim community in this generation and possibly the next…

Of course, whackjobs don’t care. Whatever “long-term political and socio-economic impact” is the last thing they care unless they and they only gain politically and socioeconomically.


Not even a full month.

What has me even more worried than the spike is that there’s just this ongoing background level of 150 anti-muslim hate crimes a year (not even counting the incidents that don’t officially make it to hate-crime status.).

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And given the typical comments by “official” Republicans, we should be shocked by this?

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I wouldn’t put anything past ISIS, the reverse attack in order to create more Muslims to join their BS.

Short-term, this is obviously a problem for Muslims. Short and long term this is a problem for the United States.

The Right has never gone away, in the United States, notwithstanding the stunning data on the improvement in race relations over the past 70 years.

Rupert Murdoch has accomplished something that I do not believe that the editors of TIME anticipated when the magazine devoted an entire issue (in late 1993) on America’s Multiracial Future.

But accomplished it he did.

And, since talking about Putin and Russia is the flavour of the week, I think it is appropriate to point out that the old USSR maintained operations in which specially trained people went forth to the West (with Anglicized identities), as Soviet Agents.

If Murdoch was not an Agent, the Russians certainly saved some money.

Because Murdoch has contributed to the dumbing down of an entire cohort of Americans (studies have shown that FOX viewers are ill-informed). He has hollowed-out a chunk of American decency from its culture. He has ginned up the racism already present in the Right. And those people are GONE…in terms of their having whatever the 1993 TIME editors believed what was in the American heart.

And Murdoch made money in the process!!

And these hate crimes are committed by…

Home grown Christian terrorism.

Anything to say Mr Trump ?