Low energy. Weak (or sad).
But it’s better than the likes of Issa.
Huntsman’s daughter.
Or Senator Randvidkun Paulquisling on CNN saying “gee, we all hack each other and it’s Obama’s fault anyway”.
So Orin, the Kavanaugh juggernaut just ramped into even higher speed. No problem with that, right?
And John Weaver (Huntsman’s chief strategist for his 2012 presidential bid).
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) tweeted his support for U.S. intelligence agencies and need to protect our elections.
Babt steps.
What do you intend to DO Hatch? Got any actions in mind?
But still won’t do anything substantive to stop this foreign agent installed as President.
Notice he avoided criticizing or even mentioning Trump. That’s some courage there, let me tell you!
“Russians indicted for election meddling…”
The Japanese “meddled” with Pearl Harbor in 1941?
Al Qaeda “meddled” with the Twin Towers in 2001?
Russia “meddled” with our democracy in 2016?
It was the Russian military carrying out attack orders to install a Kremlin stooge as our commander-in-chief.
These weren’t some neighborhood scamps rolling our trees with bath tissue.
Please, please, please TPM: stop repeating GOP talking points and lazy AP euphemisms.
Too much is at stake here!
You’re better than this.
Anyone need a good bowl brush?
From Day One, I’ve been saying this was an act of war. There’s really no question of whether we’re at war with Russia. The only question is do we fight back or do we surrender without a fight…because we’re afraid or lazy.
It really shouldnt have come as a surprise that Dumpty was kissing Putins ass. Its more how obvious he is at it.
Trump was too busy fawning over being on the same platform with our country’s arch adversary!
Hope these GOPers will wake up and smell the roses!
The Senate’s most senior Republican responded to Trump’s tweet about Mueller in March by saying it would “be the stupidest thing” for the president to fire the special counsel. Like most of his colleagues, however, he didn’t feel passing legislation was necessary.
Most Republican Senators have said that tRump would never fire Mueller so there’s no need to push forward legislation protecting the investigation. Hatch is among those that won’t go out of his way to protect our country soooo…Fuck Him. His words mean next to nothing.