Discussion: Haspel To Tap Into 33-Year Spy Career When Handling Intel Ops Against Russia

So, if Haspel puts together her diverse experiences, we can look forward to her ordering the rendition of Carter Page and Paul Manafort to a secret prison in a tropical country where they’ll undergo the water cure. I’m, further, guessing that those’ll be the first ‘enhanced interrogations’ our congressional majority’ll find to be ‘torture,’ a violation of the victims’ Geneva Convention protections and the source of unreliable confessions.
I s’pose every cloud has a silver lining.

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They would also discover that Haspel was a holdover from the Obama administration and a card carrying member of the deep state that was committed to undermining our duly elected president.

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That’s if Trump doesn’t put obstacles in her way.

They would also discover that Haspel was a holdover from the Obama administration,

Naturally, that, and her unsuspected connections to the Benghazi ‘coverup,’ the Uranium One deal and the handling of Secretary Clinton’s e-mail server would all, finally, be revealed.

Whitewater. Vince Foster. Finally, the truth will out.

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My experience of reading the following sentence:

President Donald Trump has characterized it as worse than during the Cold War [WTF? He has?], and it’s been aggravated by investigations into Moscow’s interference in the election that brought Trump to power [Oh, never mind, he hasn’t really, other than to blame it on this country because, you know, Witch Hunt].

Is it conceivable for the CIA to take some kind of behind the scenes actions to get rid of Trump if he was to attempt seizure of dictatorial power? Yeah, I know it’s a naive question, but does anyone have any insight into such a contingency?

Does anyone think that this smelly woman would not have faced war crimes charges, along with the Bush Admin war criminals? It’s my guess the rest of the world thinks so.

So, to summarize: Trump is scared witless that everyone will uncover the facts about his Russian dealings, and he naturally appoints a career professional civil servant (a military brat sworn for most of her life to “protect and defend the constitution”, etc.), who is a Russia counter espionage expert, to run the deepest of “deep state” agencies. One hopes that that shameful speech he gave at the CIA memorial wall will come home to haunt him.

Is this a sign that the Mueller probe is giving Trump suicidal impulses?

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If only Obama had gone after some of these war criminals instead of moving on, torture would not have been normalized.

We need to keep this in mind in case there is ever a next time.

Conceivable, yes. Unthinkable, no. Republic-killing, absolutely.

This is a case where Congress and the judicial branch are the only ones who can remove him until ordinary Americans put their voices to work. I don’t think Spankee could move slowly enough to sneak a seizure in, and he’s too impetuous and disorganized to do it quickly.

If he tried anything I doubt that Washington DC could hold all the people rushing to defend our Constitution, and I would bank on federal and local law enforcement and the military to join the crowds with their rifles held muzzles down.

Yep, sounds right.