Discussion: Has The GOP's Debt Ceiling Showdown Fever Finally Been Broken?

Discussion for article #241783

“They have no plan until the last minute and force it down the throats of the American people.”

Good lord, these people do have an obsession with things being “forced down their throats”, don’t they?


It seems the republicans in Congress, at least the forty or so “Traitors of this Nation” have won…Why? because the Gop Has had weak kneed and “alcohol stewed decisions” by the Boehner…This is what is making the USofA look weak and sad in the “Eyes Of the World”…Especially Putin…


This isn’t about Boehner. It’s not even really about the debt ceiling. It’s about whether one party wants to govern or just rant and scream.


The very idea of a debt limit is a another Republican gimmick that serves no legitimate purpose. We would not need a debt limit if they would just raise corporate and excise taxes because as Clinton proved, even a small tax hike can produce a surplus that can then lower the debt instead of pretending you are a fiscal conservative.


Hey Congress,

You want to save money?

  1. Move the country toward a national health program
  2. Scrap the 2 or 3 worst military projects
  3. Sugar subsidies and other outdated farm programs can be ditched

Will this be hard, yes. But it’s the 21st century.


Maybe a bit more precise is that republicans only want to govern if they get everything their want, otherwise they rant and scream to keep the democrats from getting anything they want.


Sadly, they really don’t want to ‘save’ money. They want to gut the nation at the expense of the people to benefit their campaign contributors. There’s nothing conservative about this movement. They are extremists and it is well past the time that we should be calling them extremists at every opportunity.

The fact that 40 people are holding the country hostage is unbelievable. And yes, this is a hostage situation. And they are a minority. The demands of the vocal few are driving the party and the nation of many. This is wrong on so many levels, but the media in general sit back and laugh at it, watching for the next ridiculous statement or action to report on, to the exclusion of the serious issues that are impacting this country and its people.

We should not allow this, but we do, because we don’t call it out nearly loudly enough or often enough. The fact that many viewed the Democratic debate the other night as ‘boring’ because there were no hyperpartisan attacks is just sad on a whole lot of levels.


It really does seem to be quite a big thing with them, doesn’t it?


That’s part of the fantasy with them! It’s a really big, juicy thing!

Boehner’s a republican — He’s gotten his feelings hurt — He WILL stick it to a few on his way out —

                     It' just what they do !

If he really wanted to make a positive change, I’ve taken the liberty of writing Speaker Boehner a little speech:

“To those of you who’re unhappy with my leadership, you blew it. I gave you an easy out, but you’re too disorganized and stubborn to take advantage. Therefore, I withdraw my resignation. If you want to dethrone me, go right ahead. Meanwhile, we will now vote on abolishing the debt ceiling. Tomorrow, we vote on the Agriculture appropriation, followed by one appropriations bill every day until Fiscal 2016 is taken care of. Then we start immediately on Fiscal 2017 so we don’t have another train wreck. If you want to cut spending, we have 12 appropriations bills to pass and we’re going to pass them on time or once, so we don’t have another train wreck. So either you compromise with each other, or with Democrats. The choice is yours, but either way the House’s business is getting done timely from now on.”


He should be indicted, if we had a sane country.


But what is McConnell doing?
I read elsewhere that he is preparing a list of demands in exchange for raising the debt ceiling.

Let’s not forget the craziness is not only a house problem… The Senate has it’s share of wackos. In turn that means the USA has in the general population folks that claim to be real patriots that in fact are anti american


I honestly believe many in the GOP don’t want to govern. They want to smash things and express their dislike of certain groups of people. And that’s about as far as they’ve thought about it.


My point exactly.

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They could stop spending millions of dollars on useless Benghazi Committees. That’s one big savings. I am sure there are others. They just have to be a little creative.


I read in the Washington Times (I know) this morning that the State Department is being forced to hire 50 new staffers with Top Secret clearance just to vet Hillary’s emails. This is one of the most glaring examples of the unintended consequences that occur when we put dopes in charge of our government. By not voting in the off-year elections, we impose these penalties on ourselves.


I disagree. If that was the case, then the GOP would not be raving like madmen to end Obamacare, which despite being a lot better than what we had before, is essentially the ideal conservative healthcare system.

Frankly, I don’t think they know what they want themselves. They are just spoilt brats who want to throw tantrums and create a mess, and feel like martyrs while doing it.