Discussion: Harvard Secretly Photographed 2,000 Students To Monitor Attendance

Discussion for article #229879

“You should do studies only with the consent of the people being studied,”

It’s like the first fucking thing you learn when studying any field that involves human subjects. Sigh.

I didn’t coin the phrase, but I like “institutional memory”. One sees it again and again with bureaucracies, schools, government services. No institutional memory.

No one ever seems to learn anything from past mistakes so as to carry the experiences forward and avoid them.

I suspect there are people who know something is wrong, but are afraid to speak up. “Go along to get along” is the rule.

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Indeed. The hivemind must never be questioned.

Why am I expecting them to post selfies of themselves being outraged to whatever social media thing the cool kids are using this second?


Bureaucracies, schools, government services . . . voters . . .

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bit of a red herring IMHO. Distracts from the fact that the same students and everyone else are photo’d/ video’d 24/7. That,plus “selfies”…

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…and cell-photo-takers always get permission from their subjects.

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Read your comment after I posted mine

…great minds.

Among the followers of Marx,
the extreme left, the doctrinaire,
tend to be fascist.

–Mao, Act 1, Scene 2, ‘Nixon in China’, John Adams, Alice Goodman

Sorry, but that is nonsense. Two days ago, millions voted, and their voting patterns will be studied closely. Do you think they all signed waivers?

When studying patterns of human behavior you cannot get honest results if you start with “we are going to study you now.” Plus, remember that Harvard is a private college, and its cameras were in generally public areas, not in bathrooms, etc.

This was not a “study”; it was an “investigation”. Big difference.